Playback button not working anymore

DX7 recording

New Member
Jan 18, 2025
Gear owned
Tascam 2488MKII
The playback button on my 2488 MKII has become very unreliable. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. On a bad day I have to press the button many times before it actually starts playing, but sometimes it does not work at all. I guess this is what happens sometimes to membrane buttons after many years. (My old Yamaha DX7 suffers from the same disease.) Same is true for two of the four cursor buttons, but that has less impact on the daily usage than the playback. I fear that this may signal the end of my 2488.

Do you know if there is a way to repair this?

Thank you, any advice would be highly appreciated.

Welcome to the forum, DX7.

My first recommendation: DeOxit.
A search of this sight using term "unresponsive button" will turn up multiple posts on what it is and how to use it.
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Thank you very much for the advice. With your suggested "unresponsive button" term I found these relevant threads:

I wanted to do this properly at first, by opening the desk and spray directly into the contacts underneath the button, but I wasn't able to detach the print board from the top part of the desk, and so I couldn't reach the button itself. As a plan B I sprayed around the edge of the button from the top panel, according to the first thread. And that seemed to work. The problem seems to be solved for now.

Thanks a lot.

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