Play master file on DP008ex


New Member
Oct 17, 2013
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2488 neo mkii 424 dp01
Hi .... how do I play a master I've made on the Tascam DP008EX. I'm talking about a while after I've made it. Say you want to listen to a master you made of a song a couple months later after you've done it. How do you call up the master file (right on your DP008EX) and listen to it? Can you do this? Thanks.
Howdy Scott - welcome to the show! We have some lovely prizes for you, just for coming -
SORRY. I watched a lot of TV as a kid. :LOL:
ANYway. I'm no rocket surgeon...there's smart guyz here who answer technical questions. I just remind people which way the pointy end of the git'r goes.

BUT: I do own an '008, so I thought I'd mention how it works. At least it does when I'VE tried it...but then again, I have to remember which way the pointy end of the git'r goes every time I sit down to play...

You CAN actually play the master back IN the '008. I bumped around the relevant sections of the OM (it's on p.64 of MY O/M, section titled "Checking stereo master tracks").

Hence the relentless nagging of us cranky ol' bass-terds to RTM ("Read The Manual")...and remind people that even small-format/entry-level Tascam units are technical gear that require knowledge/understanding of their use - AND the ability to problem-solve, which includes RTM!!!

Hope that helps - good luck!
Hence the relentless nagging of us cranky ol' bass-terds to RTM ("Read The Manual")
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This!

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