Perplexed DR-05X owner


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Dec 31, 2024
Gear owned
Tascam DR-05X
Hello! This is my first post here. Getting my new to me DR-05X to communicate to any of my computers (2 Macs and 1 Chromebook) using any of my USB to USB mini cords (tried 3 of them) has not worked, so I was hoping some with more expertise might be able to help me. I have watched several videos and read all I can find, including threads on this forum, to determine what I am doing wrong, but cannot figure it out. It seems to me I am doing everything I should according to the videos and what I read, but my computers don't seem to recognize the recorder at all when I connect them. Thanks so much for any suggestions you might have for me! Of course, I am happy to provide any more information if it might help.
Update: someone I know tried to connect it to their computer and failed too. Their best guess is that none of the various cables are the correct ones. I suppose this is a plausible explanation.
I’m not one of the experts around here…I’m the guy who hasta remember which way the pointy end of the git’r goes every time I sit down to play…😆

BUT - my extensive experience would lead me to say that your instinct about USB cables has merit. In many cases, a USB cable doesn’t have data-transfer capability, which would sink your attempts pronto…

IIRC, this is VERY common w mini-USB cables, which are often intended for phone-charging, but nothing else…🫤
Thanks, shredd, for your post! It was helpful, and I also appreciated the self-effacing humor. I will pick up another cable, making sure it is intended for data transfer. Will let you and anyone else who might read this thread know what the outcome is.
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Another thing to explore ( this concept has been thrashed in countless posts, regarding numerous different pieces of gear):

In addition to using the proper cable, make sure you’re establishing the connection to the puter properly - many units don’t “automatically” connect, a’la “plug n play” - some need to be set to some sort of data or USB mode, often in a settings menu…

And - not that this should need mentioning - but be sure target puter meets the unit’s compatibility requirements…

Almost sounds like I know whut I’mma talkin’ ‘bout, don’t it!!?:LOL:
Thanks for the additional information, shredd! You certainly know what you are talking about more than I do, so your input is welcome, as is your humor.
Hehee...happy to help - with what limited knowledge/experience I have. There's guyz on the forum here that're rocket-surgeons compared to me. But I'm happy to pass on what I do know, from my own years of experience and figuring out a lot of stuff. For example, I'm the biggest routing-moron in the history of studio recording...but I usually manage to figure it out.
Although I recently figured out a routing issue that I'd been doing wrong for something like twenty YEARS. Stuff like that makes my self-deprecating humor easy to understand...

As far as the humor...well - I think I have "Chandler Syndrome". That's my excuse, and I'mma stickin' to it...:LOL:
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Had to look up Chanler Syndrome as I am not Friends literate. The only studio experience I have is going into a studio and making music that others record/produce, so you are way ahead of me. Even for rehearsals, others I have worked with have recorded. This is my first foray into recording and, as you can see, I am struggling to just get started.
Sorry...just making idle chat (and using a pop-culture reference)...I do that, much to the chagrin of those who honor the real purpose of these forums - discussion of Tascam gear et al...
By "Chandler Syndrome" I basically meant someone who interacts primarily through weisen-heimer-ism.
In other words, I'm a smartazz.

ANYway...for your beginner/novice status into recording, you've probably made a good choice to start with one of the smaller Tascam DP's. They're ridiculously user-friendly and easy to master; there's lots of help (here, online, everywhere); and you'll learn a lot that will help you if/when you move on to more advanced gear, or DAW/computer recording, etc.
Routing, gain-staging, choosing/using FX, mixing/mastering...all basics we all need to know. As oft-mentioned: be sure to browse through the "sticky posts" at the top of the "DP-24/32 & 2488" forum...though not specifically directed at the compact PortaStudios (like the '008's), they're chock-full of really useful info/guidance/tips/etc.

Have fun!
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Update: got a new cable, a USB to USB micro and everything works as it should , including data transfer and BUS power from computer. Thanks for the help!
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