Overall equalization

Mike Lozano

New Member
Mar 31, 2019
Gear owned
Hi guys. Does anyone know if there's a way to set an eq for the entire board on the dp32sd? I know on my old Fostex VS160 the master channel had it's own EQ setting which affected all the rest of the channels but I don't see where you can do that on the dp32sd.
I'm of course a new owner of the dp32sd and I'm still finding out stuff about it. Thanks for any help.

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Hi Mike -

Each input has it's own dedicated EQ.

Each mono and/or stereo-pair track has it's own dedicated EQ.

**Then finally - and this may be the one you're looking for - there is a dedicated EQ in Mastering mode that affects the entire mix. Phil mentions this EQ at about 14:50:

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Thanks David, that answered my question. I'll check Phil's video out.


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