Out of sync recordings


New Member
Mar 13, 2020
Gear owned
Tascam DP-32
I own a Tascam DP-32 and I started collaborating with other musicians with Pro Tools. There are 3 people in the collaboration and for some reason my recordings can not sync with the others. By that I mean I can get my track to sync at the beginning of the song, but half way through my track is completely out of sync with the other tracks. I am the only one using a Tascam DP-32 to record my tracks, the others are using different recorders. They (the other collaborators) have also used files they have downloaded from different web sources and they can sync up to them no issue and mine again go out of sync. We looked and we are all recording at 44.1000 khz 32 bit. We have tried syncing in other programs besides Pro Tools to check and the same issue ooccurs, Does anyone have some advise to correct this. I bought this recorded to do collaborations and kinda upset I can't.
Thanks in advance
A bit more info might be required. "We looked and we are all recording at 44.1000 khz 32 bit.".

Tascam only does 44100/48000 @ 16/24 bit. Which BPM are you using? Pro Tools or the DP32?
Are you all recording to a single recorded click-track?
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ah...you may have hit on something. I was only yold I was at 32 bit, I didn't check. but it would make sense if I was actually at 24 bit and the other collaborators are at 32 bit. I have to figure out how to get all of us on the same page. What more infor are you looking for. I would be happy to supply if I knew.
Thanks for your reply
also if you say "Tascam only does 44100/48000 @ 16/24 bit." does that mean that 44.1 is 16 bit and 48 is 24?
I imagine you could mix and match, but if I'm doing it, I would do 44/16 or 48/24 if you get me!

You set it in your Song Preferences.

See Phil's Tutorial videos, ikt's all explained in there.
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What do you mean by your recording does not sync? Have you imported music into your Tascam and you play along to that?
Or are you recording on your own without listening to the other collaborators recordings? Only playing to the Tascams metronome? Set to the same bpm as your Pro Tools fellows? You cannot assume that will be exact enough. For instance my digital bpm setting in my synth does not go at the exactly the same speed as Tascams metronome set at the same bpm.
rockinmitch, welcome to the forum.

On the portastudio, you can do:

The files you're bringing in from other sources must have the same sampling/bit rate as the song you're bringing them into on your portastudio via Audio Depot, or the files won't even load into the portastudio.

The bit rate is not relevant to the BPM. Bit rate defines the depth (headroom) available.
The sampling rate defines how closely the digital file matches the original analog signal.

The BPM setting on the portastudio is user defined (must be set manually) and is relevant when MIDI syncing and for an accurate count when using the BAR meter. Otherwise, it plays no part in establishing or maintaining the actual tempo of the song.

I can't speak to movement among other types of recorders, PT, and your portastudio. Too many variables.

I can tell you that, using Audio Depot, moving track files from my DP-24 to REAPER or AUDACITY and back has never presented a syncing problem. Using Audio Depot to send track files to others, and bringing them back via Audio Depot to my DP-24, has never presented any syncing issues.
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also if you say "Tascam only does 44100/48000 @ 16/24 bit." does that mean that 44.1 is 16 bit and 48 is 24?

No, those settings are independent.
I can't quote the original post, but I do recall having a similar issue a few years ago with my DP24 : the tempo would start out in sync, then gradually drift (this was with say 10 minute jams).

I can't recall how I fixed it (it's fine now) but some things to consider might include :

Checking you've got the newest firmware
Experimenting with using the DP as a midi master (there's a way to do this with the SD series, it's easier with the old ones)
Use a simple (audio) click track that you and your collaborators all use from the start of a project (so everyone is syncing independently to this)

Also, what happens if you import a test file at a specific & fixed bpm from an internet source? Can you get it to stay in sync? Does file / project length make any difference?
I have a DP-32 and I use Reaper with the tracks. Honestly, I don't know how to make the tracks go out of sync as you describe.
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I didn't want to mention it in my first post, but I'm a big fan of Reaper too. I still have version 1 or 2 knocking around somewhere! V6 is out now, get it!
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I have a DP-32 and I use Reaper with the tracks. Honestly, I don't know how to make the tracks go out of sync as you describe.

I've got a feeling in my case it was probably to do with external gear not syncing 100%, exposing some drift over long tracks.

Never had an issue where I've imported stems from a DAW (Ableton, Reaper or Mixbus in my case).
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@Stew71 that seems reasonable.
Stew, have you done the Reaper ->Rearoute-> Mixbus thing? I have a big screen, Reaper and Mixbus 32c open, tracking and editing done in Reaper, routed to Mixbus. Do my EQ and Comp and Buss moves there, and then routed back to Reaper for Recording. It works nicely.

Pros Reduces VST use, Mixbus "Colour" and Sat
Cons: You have to make sure you have the right DAW focused
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I'm really late to this discussion, but OP, Is yours the DP-32SD by chance? I had exactly the same problem when I did my first recording on the DP-24SD. First thing I tried was a different SD card, and I'm glad I did, because that fixed it. My first card (which was a good Kingston card but strangely exhibited this behavior) would create out of sync audio after a few minutes of recording (ie., a metronome click track would eventually fall out of step, and would progressively get worse as time went on in the recording). By moving to a different SD card, the issue is gone. I chose the 32 GB Sandisk Extreme PRO, which solved the issue.
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