Nuendo control


Active Member
Dec 15, 2015
Gear owned
DM4800 / DA30 / TRS-8
Hi guys,

I've been a Nuendo user since 2003 and went through the different updates/upgrades till Nuendo 6.5.30.
I recently got myself a DM4800 (see my other posts for the FW card etc) and want to control my Nuendo DAW.
Anyone controlling Nuendo 5, 6 or the new Nuendo 7 with the DM4800?
And how deep is the control?
Can I insert plugins and control them from the console.
The transport control on the board is a great value.
I realize that there are 12 assignable rotary pots, but what can I use them for?
Are they only assignable within the console or can I also use them to control the plugins etc.
I guess in the remote layer, faders and pan knobs will control the corresponding functions from the DAW.
So please give me some insights.
Hi Arjan thanks.
I'll take a peek later today.
I use several DAW's with and without DM-4800 and I'm also a a Nuendo user since it's initial release. As far as MIDI control and the DM-4800, there is no difference between Cubase and Nuendo.

In fact at it is today, Cubase & Nuendo come from the same Master build with only feature differences between them.
Ok thanks AudioWave,
Are you able to control plugins with the DM4800?
Are you able to control plugins with the DM4800?

Yes, you can but I don't. To time consuming pain in the ass to setup and then the controls are mapped to only that specific plug. I use the Steinberg QC Control which is a cheap plastic no longer made MIDI controller that Steinberg gave me for Dev work that is useable for plug control, general MIDI CC and other Cubase/Nuendo specific features.

But most if not all MIDI controllers have the same issue that once a plug and parameter is mapped it i's no much use for anything else.

I been involved in touch-screen development for quite a while now long before the raven, so I usually use one touch-screen that is dedicated to just showing and controlling plugs.

The best and easiest device that does not hinder work flow that I also use with and without the touch-screen for plugs and other small GUI elements is the Griffin PowerMate. Comes in wired and bluetooth. Hover over any GUI element with mouse or with touch and turn the PowerMate knob. Simple, clean and fast. I have both and prefer the wired finding it a bit more accurate and responsive.
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Ok thanks.
I was asking myself how the guys from AVID and SSL do.
I've seen a demo on an SSL AWS900 selecting and controlling plugins in Nuendo.
Do they have special programmers to do that?
I'm curious.
I realize that it must be time consuming to do, but map to only one plugin is not what we need.
I would like to be able to open the plugin list, select plugins from the list, turn on and off, controlling/edit parameters etc.
I hope I didn't make a wrong choice in this regard.
Ok the sound is good and that's a plus, but the main reasons to get this board were to control my DAW and have an audio interface.............hhmmmm........
The DM-4800 was designed as a digital mixer first and foremost with limited DAW control using primarily General MIDI and Mackie MCU or HUI as the DAW control protocols both of those which are very limited by today's needs and requirements as they were created back in the late 1990's

Avid Pro Tools is much more integrated with Avid hardware because they use the EUCON protocol that was created and co-developed by Euphonix & Steinberg back before Avid bought out Euphonix. EUCON is a much more elaborate and deeper integrated for DAw's that support EUCON which Cubase/Nuendo does.

To get close to what you are looking for in DAW and plug control within Pro Tools or Cubase/Nuendo would be a EUCON controller. Avid S3 or Artist series being the least expensive choices. Since Avid doesn't allow or license EUCON for use for any other hardware company your choices are very limited and very expensive compared to the DM-4800 even if you bought it new at list price.

In the past few years Avid does seem to have an agreement with Yamaha who makes the Nuage controllers that have the best and upmost integration in a hardware controller for use in Cubase/Nuendo that can also be used with Pro Tools via EUCON.

You can find info of Avid S3 or Artist Series & Yamaha Nuage on their sites and videos on YouTube.

As far i as I know SSL AWS uses it's own protocol which is basically firmware that has mapped out most if not every primary Cubase/Nuendo DAW control parameter that is offered to be controlled, which is quite extensive and then implement that into their hardware controller for easier more modern access.
Ah I get it. Thanks
I'll check the S3 out later.
Hopefully I can find a solution that can be used in conjunction with the DM4800.
I was thinking of adding a JL Cooper Joystick....maybe they have something small.....
something that won't be another fader/mixer controller and not taking up too much space.....

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