Not booting “ERROR: wait for thread TL id 15 failed”

Jeff DuBois

New Member
Mar 19, 2017
Gear owned
I’ve been using my SX-1 about 9 years now and until recently it’s been fairly reliable, until now. It runs through all the normal boot up sequence until starting hard disk recorder, then I get the following errors.
“Error: wait for thread TL I’d 15 failed”
“Error: hard disk recorder load failed”
So far I’ve tried safe mode, replaced the hard disk, tried different ram, removed all the cards, cleaned the contacts, and reseated them. I’ve tried both os 1.52, and 1.53d2 (the debug version). Still no luck. I did check the bios settings, and they seem correct, all my voltages look good, and my CMOS battery is good.
It will boot into BeOS, so I know the computer portion is ok. I’ve run the diagnostic and all the cards show up. All the faders, knobs, led’s, and the lcd work, and the midi loopback test work,so I assume that the UIF card is good. All the led’s on the DSP card are showing what they are supposed to (all solid except B2 is flashing which is supposed to be normal), so I assume that it is ok too. The led’s on the M4 card show it’s receiving its programming properly, but the m4 activity light never blinks. Maybe my M4 card is bad?
If anyone has any input that would be wonderful. If anyone has an M4 card (and possibly an lcd screen or a LTC card) that they’re willing to sell please let me know, I’m not opposed to trying card swaps at this point, I’m not ready to let her go yet. Thank you.
I have encountered the same error messages since 1 September. After powering it down for several hours, the SX-1 will complete its booting procedure but it won't do a disk cleanup and will freeze after some time. I haven't found any explanation of the error messages in the service manual and no consensus on working solutions. Maybe there are some new insights on the issue, hence my call. I appreciate any help.
From the SX-1 Facebook group:

"Take a look at the M4-PCB, this card is the subsystem for the SX- hd-recorder. Sometimes it had connecting issues with the slot of the pc Main-board .
second issue was a record/playback stuck after 10-15 minutes of working, that was a overheating of the CPU of the M4-PCB."
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