Noisy preamps? Tascam US 1x2hr


New Member
Aug 24, 2022
Gear owned
Tascam 1x2hr
I bought the US 1x2hr recently and it seems like the preamps are extremely noisy. I had a m-track solo and I did not seem to have this issue. I wanted something that could do 24bit so I went with this unit. I'm not sure if there is some kind of room noise that I am picking up and didn't notice before or if the preamps are just that noisy. I can really hear it in my monitor headphones. Is this just a defective unit or should I end up going with something like the scarlet solo. Let me know what you think but right now my audio is basically unusable.

Edit: Turns out there is an electrical box in the room i was recording in that was producing some electrical interference that my mic was picking up. I took the setup with my laptop to another room and the noise was gone. I must have just not noticed it before or something environmental was causing more electrical interference. But it doesn't seem to be the preamps making the noise.
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I have the same problem and because i need to record daily I have got a cheap Chinese module which is without noise.
I am extremely disappointed in Tascam, I used lots of equipment before during many years.
@wamo said in 2022 " electrical box in the room i was recording in that was producing some electrical interference that my mic was picking up...another room...noise doesn't seem to be the preamps making the noise."

@3Bproductions said today "...I have the same problem...I am extremely disappointed in Tascam...I have got a cheap Chinese module which is without noise."

So you too have (RFI?) noise and you've identified that it is the result of a TASCAM design problem, yes?

Please share what you've determined the TASCAM design flaw to be; and tell us the "cheap Chinese module" that solved your problem so that going forward others can benefit.
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The noise comes from the preamp if recording you can hear the noise.
It's a Tascam fault.
I purchased a Chinese external sound card.
Strange enough with the mixer sliders open no noise.


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I just talked with a friend of mine and he has the same problem with the noise.
There are more problems when you want to record without a mixing console the microphone, headphones plugged into the Tascam, is too low to hear.

Nice to have cubase free LE version but you can't get it activated as the is no Cubase LE on the list.

Again for this money it's extremely disappointing.
I have Adat, DAT a external digital recorder for my cameras from Tascam but the quality went much down
I'm not familiar with your unit, but for something costing $120US the specs for your unit are pretty darn good:

Audio performance
Mic preamp EIN (equivalent input noise)
−128 dBu or less
(150 Ω termination, GAIN knob at maximum, 20 kHz SPCL LPF + A-Weight)

S/N ratio
109 dB
(MIC IN, GAIN knob at minimum, 20 kHz SPCL LPF + A-Weight)

Headphones output (PHONES)
Connector: 6.3 mm (1/4”) standard stereo jack
Maximum output: 18 mW + 18 mW or higher (THD+N 0.1% or less, into 32 Ωload

The specs would suggest it isn't the unit's pre-amp causing the noise (as @wamo discovered).

As I'm sure you know, how you're powering the unit, and how you've set up your signal chain (mics, cables, hubs, other gear, the laptop you're using, etc.) all impact signal throughput; and there are many sources of RFI (florescent lights, dimmer switches, computer monitors, wiring of all sorts, ground loops, and so on).

But given all that, I'd look first to the USB cable (TASCAM may require a better quality; where a "cheap" unit might not).

That's about all I can contribute to this thread.
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Well why am I not surprised of this reply
With all do respect pointing theories like electric cars that on paper running 500 km but in practice 350 km

Sorry you're doing the same.
I dont want to show off here but have been a sound engineer for world acts over 45 years and i think I know what I'm talking about.

Here 1 social media review

@3Bproductions This is getting surreal. You accuse a former studio owner and actual audio engineer of some kind of gaslighting behavior, and then you use a Facebook link to prove your credentials? If I hadn't seen it for myself, I wouldn't have believed it.

Vertical video? Seriously? 🤣 Did you post this on TikTok first? Your "proof" video is (trying to be kind) less than professional level. I, nor anyone else can hear this noise because you didn't demonstrate it so it could be heard. At the mention of Cakewalk, it all became crystal clear.

Facebook is where you belong. Please stay there.
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Thanks and btw I have no time or money to acuse any one.
I observe and saw a old posting open from 2 years ago asking questions about the noisy preamp.
No one replied until now.
I used the Facebook link to show you the test and no need to attack me for that but better watch the video and comment on this.

I'm a client that spend money and reported that there is noise coming from the line out.
Again replies such as change the USB cable which is provided by Tascam, is not helping the problem.
I spend time in doing a test with the same mic the same mixer subgroup and playback channel. The same double shielded cables were used.
The same equalisation and you can clearly hear the noise.
Answers such as throwing technical data at me is not helping.

The video was first on Facebook now it is on many other platforms and music recording groups.
As you can see there are many more having the same conclusions.

Again not accusing any one but posting practical facts into the open.

Did you guys ever saw and heard the noise from my test?
Did you ever took in consideration that there might be some faulty modules between several thousand?

Instead attacking me you can also use a logical mindset.
I made a deal with the company which I have purchased this from and I'll come back and do a test again with a new one.

Again the topic starter posted the sane noise problems.
I just took this a step further.
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You're not the only one with a curriculum vitae.

FYI, my bench testing of TASCAM gear (using, you know, actual test equipment) over several decades has confirmed consistently that the real-world equipment specs have met or exceeded the published specs.

I don't see any reason to suspect, without the evidence of measured data, that the published specs for this gear would be any different.

I'm sure with your self-described sound engineering background you've got the skill and test gear to do something as simple as S/N and noise floor measurements, yes?

The FB "review"? Seriously? Blowing into a microphone to produce "noise"? You have heard of "proximity effect" and "mic circuit signal overload", yes? That has nothing to do with the S/N ratio, the noise floor, or the quality of the mic pre-amp; but it does have a lot to do with misuse and abuse of a mic.

ps There were no replies to the OP because the OP solved his own problem the same day of the post: it was RFI having nothing to do with the pre-amp circuit; and having been solved, the "noise" disappeared. Guess you missed that fact.

I'm done wasting my time, and you are now on "ignore", off to the internet aether. Bye-bye.
ps That means if you choose to continue to waste bits 'n bytes here, I won't see it. ;)
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Thanks God I'm not the only one with a cv. 🤣🤣🤣
Personal attacks lead to nowhere bro.
Informing about my cv and working experiences is just a kind introduction as a new member and my first postings, and not a showoff.

And very sorry you play on the person.

Did you read the part about maybe having a faulty unit?

But OK I'll stop and too old to reply to those that were feeling attacked, this has never been my intention merely reported noise after doing all I could think of.

I'm not God but I can guarantee that I did a fair test and not into shouting into a microphone.
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