No choice of USB/Multi on screen


New Member
Jul 5, 2024
Gear owned
Model 24
I have a Model 24,and I`m trying to send usb tracks to cubase 13, but on the M 24`s lcd screen, there is No choice for usb/ Multi any where in the system,or any folder on screen.Is this right ???
Did you follow the manual Chapter 11. USB Audio interface functions ?
Scroll through top level menu options and look under System as described on page 56.

This release note may be of interest if your Model 24 is running a firmware version less than 1.63:
F/W V1.63
Maintenance items

- In firmware V1.62, if USB audio mode: STEREO MIX was selected, output would not be sent correctly to the computer.
This has been fixed.

- When unit settings were initialized, if USB AUDIO was set to STEREO MIX, that setting was retained.
This has been fixed.
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Reactions: Mark Richards
As it turns out,I did update the firmware,and (got the usb/multi setting on the screen,and got MY Samplitude proX 7 to recognize,and record from the 24) Was not however,able to get any results with Cubase 13(my colleagues DAW ) Thank You for your Response !!! Mace...

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