New Home recording!

That was outstanding. Listened to the whole thing because it was that good. Good playing/singing, good recording, good set. Well done gentlemen! You should be proud of that.
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Man this is suuu-weet! Phenomenal playing and sound.

Listened to the whole set too. I especially like the Tracy Chapman cover, very creative!

Ok tell us about that signal chain!

Those are mostly 57’s and 58’s? What did you mic the kick with?

complements to the bass player on that HUGE tone! Is that DI off the Fender amp? It’s massive and great!
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Great work guys! You're going to get a lot of questions!
great recording. Sometimes it IS as easy as put some mics in front of great players and just capture the magic

reminded me a bit of Little Feet
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@JSchmo_Bass said:

complements to the bass player on that HUGE tone! Is that DI off the Fender amp? It’s massive and great!

Yeah, what a fat bass tone! I would like to know what the chain was to get that.
@James Flynn would you mind telling us about the mixing session?
Great result. You got my vocal rock taste having choral voices in the pieces! Love that. Some parts remember me the mighty Colosseum.
But - as already mentioned - I have a lot of questions. The audio chain and mixing was already requested by others here.
I'm more interested what you use to videograph the session and put all in sync for the display on YT.
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Wow - thanks to all! We used SM58’s on the amps. Drums: Audix VX5 snare, F10 mounted toms, F12 floor tom & bass drum, all Audix. SM58 hi hats, Audio Technica AT2010 overheads. Beta 58’s on vocals. Two regular camcorders left and right, Go Pro Hero 4 Silver center. All run through Protools afterwards. I’ll get back to you on the video program...Kevin Kelly, the guitar player, did the video arrangement and Protools work. I’ll get him to sign up and answer you! Here’s us live at Musikfest in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania in 2019:
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There was no mixing -- other than getting reasonable input levels -- on the Tascams. The individual tracks were exported to Pro Tools, where we mixed using a fairly standard set of EQ, compression, reverb and delay plugins.
J_Schmo_Bass: Tony Ellis, the bass player, used a 1960’s bass, DI from Fender 800 set to “vintage”.

Wow, so Bass is just the DI, and no amp mic? (I didn’t see one in the video but it’s hard to tell).

Really good sound. Those new Fender Rumble amps do get good reviews, but I am gonna guess this is mainly down the talent of the player himself + bass with some serious mojo!

Inspiring stuff - I need to go back to the shed now!
@JSchmo_Bass oh yeah, the sound is coming from the fingers. That was not a technology demonstration. If anything it was a lack of technology but abundance of talent display.
There was no mixing -- other than getting reasonable input levels -- on the Tascams. The individual tracks were exported to Pro Tools, where we mixed using a fairly standard set of EQ, compression, reverb and delay plugins.

I'm curious why you used 2 DP-32 machines.
Yeah, great stuff indeed! Good playing and singing and the mix seems fine to me too.
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I'm curious why you used 2 DP-32 machines.
We used two machines because we needed more simultaneously recorded tracks than were available on one machine: eight drum mics, three vocs, one guitar, one DI bass. We synched up the tracks from both machines later in Pro Tools.
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I see. The 8 input/track limit. Thanks.
regarding using the 2 machines , personally I would've reduced the drums to three mics, but that's just me :). It's very easy to go overboard and put a mic on every drum, but it's not necessary.
Of course, the more mics you have, the more options you have down the track (pun intended)
In that case, it wasn't about the number of mics, but the number of tracks that could be simultaneously recorded.

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