New firmware -V1.6/1.7- for the DP24/32SD. Now removed

The fault seems to affect all models Scott so be warned. How's about we all send in a fault report for our respective models - it may persuade Tascam to come out with a fix sooner.
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Will do. Thanks Phil.

I haven't done the update yet so I will stay at 1.19 until they get around to fixing this.

What's the best address or URL for reporting faults?
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Well shit. That sucks. I tested and am having the same issue. I have sent the report to Tascam.;)
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... Has anyone actually reported this to Tascam yet?(Update - have just done it)...
I've also reported the issue to TASCAM product support.
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Di I have to revert back to FW 1.05 on my DP-24SD as I did do the 1.06 update
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I recommend you doing so. I did it too and all is back to normal. I guess there will be another update coming but that may take some time.
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OK. Thanks you for that Eric. I did record some vocals only the other day under 1.06 and did not have any problems but it was just a few lines and I never mixed down or mastered. I will revert back. Thank you.
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Wow. That doesn't happen very often!
Maybe because I didn't go through mixdown or mastering process. It was just a 3 part harmony over an existing 2 track demo. I then sent it to the computer via the stereo left and right outputs from the rear. It was only a reference for the song writer to listen to.
so is there a updated firmware 1.07 for the dp 32 sd? thanks
There was but Tascam took it away. Now there is only v1.06. I guess they bring out a new version soon.
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Hey guys! I just got a dp24sd and updated to 1.05 and now I see this thread about how a newer version was taken down. So my question is are there any known issues with 1.05 on the dp24sd?
'None' - it should be ok; it's dated Oct 2018 so is in line with all the 'good' releases at that time. The batch released this month had a spurious 'read timeout' bug and as far as I know, they've withdrawn them all.
btw - welcome to the forum and thanks for the kind words re. the tutorials.
I have a DP32-SD, purchased in 2014.

I am one of those who checked for firmware updates in the narrow window when V1.07 was available for download, and downloaded and installed it on July 4, 2019. I am now getting constant "Read Timeout Errors" anytime I master a recording. But more importantly, today, I was unable to export a file from a song created under V1.07. So the "export your files and import them into a new song" fix has its limitations!

Question 1: I have saved all previous firmware update files, including V1.06. In order to revert back to V.106, do I just need to follow the standard firmware update procedures with the V1.06 file to replace the prematurely released (and withdrawn) V.107? Is it that simple?

Question 2: Having applied all previous firmware updates as they got released, I don't believe I ever re-formated my SD card. Should that be part of the process?

Thanks to all!
Question 1): Yes, and yes. It is that simple

Question 2): Like others here - I've begun moving work that I'm not currently working on off the SD card to computer for safety - and reformatting my SD card semi regularly (every few months).

Been glitch free for a very long time now.
@RobbeyRd many experienced users recommend formatting the card after any firmware change. It's just too easy to not do it. As David said, periodic formatting is arguably a good practice.

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