New firmware for dp24/32 and dp24sd/32sd

Phil Tipping

Staff member
Feb 16, 2016
West Wales, UK
Gear owned
New firmware:
DP24 V1.21
DP24SD V1.07
DP32 V1.12
DP32SD V1.08

  • After completing mastering, a "Read Timeout" pop-up message could not be closed. This has been fixed.
  • Operation stability has been improved.
Have confirmed the Read Timeout bug has been fixed on the dp32sd.
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Wow, they skipped 1.11 on the DP-32. Thanks Phil!
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Yes they've all skipped a number. I initially thought they'd retained the previous no., especially as the release date is July, but then realised they'd done the right thing and used a new version no. to avoid any confusion.
Back in my software engineering days, I was told off for not incrementing a version no. for a minor release... my supervisor's advice has stuck with me ever since: "version numbers are free" :)
Updated. No issues. I'll report what I find out. I'm going to do a heavy track count/punch-in session over the next few days.
So far so good. Quick on the punch ins.
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The DP24 1.21 firmware seems to be working fine, with lots of edits and punch ins.

I just noticed that I can alter metronome volume (not the on/off state, but obviously you can set it anywhere from zero upwards) while the song is playing. Quite handy. Is this an update? I seem to remember getting an error message even hitting the metronome button when the machine was playing, in the past.

One thing: transferring data from the DP24 to PC via USB is painfully slow, speeds often measured in KB/s rather than MB/s. However it's fine the other way. Is this what other people find as well?

(It's not that huge a deal, mind. Quite meditative, and an enforced break!)
....transferring data from the DP24 to PC via USB is painfully slow...Is this what other people find as well?
I use a Win7/12 year old laptop to back up my DP-24. With FW 1.21, I typically get about 16-18 MB/s transfer in both directions using the DP-24 USB port and the USB cable that came with my DP-24. A 1.3GB song folder transfers in just over 1 minute.
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**No major announcement here...

Just wanted to report that after a heavy tracking session - and some fairly heavy track editing (and before exporting-and-importing to create fresh stems) - firmware V1.08 for DP32SD is dead steady.

Thanks, David.
Same here. Firmware V1.21 for the DP-24 rock solid.
My older DP-32 is acting just how I like it. Exactly as before.
Hey guys!
Moving on from my busted Fostex VF160EX to this new(to me) Tascam DP-24.
I really like the workflow but I just lost a song due to error, corrupted file(can't remember what it said) then when trying to fix it gave me a message about the is gone l:( but just that one.

This thing is on firmware 1.02. Do I need to perform all the other firmware updates or just the newest one?
Install the newest one. Also, make sure you are using an approved SD card. Search the forum for SD card topics. Be sure to select the "Site Results" tab on the search results.
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I have had my DP24 for at least 3 years - it has worked perfectly and I love it but yesterday I installed firmware update 1.21 and now it crashes every time I try and edit in jog play. This is the first firmware update I have installed so software went from 1.12 to 1.21 in one go. Any way of backing out the upgrade? Any other ideas?
Welcome to the forum.

You can reinstall your copy of V1.12.

I just did a copy/paste edit in Jog/Play as a test (DP-24/V1.21), with no problems.

Problems almost always are due to using unapproved SD cards, or due to an SD card related issue. For example, the unit can time out when the number of files becomes great in a song that has been edited many times. If this is your problem, it could be resolved by importing and exporting each track to consolidate the files.

You may want to look through the Equipment Tips sticky for other possible things to consider.

A search of the forum on "SD card", "freeze", "lockup", "read error", or "file error" (depending on what you mean by "crash") will yield numerous posts that may help.
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Thanks for coming back. It turned out to be a problem with track markers. I had a contradiction which meant that in Jog the timeline didnt go back to zero. Anyway, I deleted all the markers and now everything is fine. One to watch out for though if your system crashes every time you relocate backwards whilst in jog play.
@SteveCox that was an important find! Thank you for taking the time to follow up with that information.
I will update the firmware,i did not know there was an update,til i seen on this forum that there was an update ,hopefully i will see some improvement......Actually i don't do a lot of editing on this machine,my set up is a hybrid,i record my tracks on the tascam,and then i transfer all the tracks to my computer then into my DAW (reaper or pro tools ),i can easily edit in my DAW,then i mix and master in my DAW. ....yeah i probably use a lot of snippet zz files,i do a lot of overdubs,punch in, the one man band that i am,but thats what a recorder should be able to do, i mean overdubs and punch ins are not new technology .I have owned akai 24 track,and before this dp24sd i owned the tascam 2488 neo 24 track,never had any problems with that...the thing was a beast ......a tank !!! of course those machines used hard drives(yes the hard drives had their own issues,minor ones )...I think the SD memory card format used for recording is flawed just my opinion. but hey maybe after the update firmware ,i will come back here and say Amen my issues have gone away...we'll see.
@heyjimi your descriptions of the machine behavior are not normal. I have several projects in progress over 2 GB and no issues whatsoever. I treat it like a tape machine, and I do punches over and over for hours. I'm running the latest firmware, and every time they come out with new firmware I update. Everyone seems to blame the SD card because it is the SD card. SD card technology is not flawed, it just means that not every SD card is up to the demands put on it. Make sure your card is on the approved list.

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