NEW 32SD owner, question


Nov 10, 2019
Gear owned
The unit is about 1 month old. I updated on the first day I got it to version 1.08. It was working like charm. Just last night, I was making a backup copy, using the copy song function on the unit. I think during the copy file procedure, the unit froze. I left it it on a good hour or more, and still no progress. I had to power the unit off.

Everything appears to be functioning fine, but the load times for everything now are noticeably longer. I even reformatted the sd card.

Any suggestions? Could my card be corrupt? Please Help

Welcome. Sounds like it might be SD card related. You can start researching that here:
And here:

There are several other related posts that discuss SD cards in the Equipment Tips sticky.

You can also use the search feature of the DP-24/32/SD forum by typing a search term into the box at the very top right of the screen. Hits will be displayed in the "Site Results" tab. There's about 10 pages of individual posts about SD cards.

The storage capacity of the SD card also matters, obviously.

The four stickies at the top of this forum have a wealth of information. If you haven't done so already, watching Phil Tipping's Video Tutorials are well worth your time. The videos are free (but Phil always appreciates a donation for his hard work ;) ).
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