New 24-track digital recorder from TASCAM: Studio Bridge

No offence, but I've searched Thomann so many times... You probably didn't understand my point: I'm talking about an interface with at least 16 ins and 16 outs, line level. You search correctly on Thomann you get only 4 results (search filter for 16 line inputs, 12 line outputs), the cheapest being the Tascam Studio Bridge. The second result is the Arturia 16rig, but it only has 12 line outputs, not 16. Not even close to the Studio Bridge's 24 ins and outs.
So what I wanted to say is that, despite having searched for some time, thoroughly I think, I may have missed some piece of gear that I'm not aware of. I'm asking people do search for me. But so far it looks to me like the Studio Bridge is the most affordable 24 in / 24 out line level, qualitative interface.
I'm talking about an interface with at least 16 ins and 16 outs, line level.
Model 24 is the more affordable 22 in / 22 out interface (Model 16 has only 14 in / 16 out) + integrated mixer. My preference would go to Studio Bridge.
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Model 24 is the more affordable 22 in / 22 out interface (Model 16 has only 14 in / 16 out) + integrated mixer. My preference would go to Studio Bridge.
Thank you. Though, I think the 22 out in the Model 24 are through USB, not analogue line level. I think it only has 2 mono inserts which could serve as line outs. So it's 20 in / 2 outs for me. The Model 2400 on the other has more inserts (16 maybe?) but it's twice the Studio Bridge price, and too big for me.
I'm not sure if this would suit your needs, but 8 line in's, 8 line outs, about $190 USD each. You would need three of them.
Thank you.
To get to 16 in/out line level, I would need to add an ADAT unit. By the way, there's only 1 in/out ADAT port, so you can connect only 2 units together, not 3. Indeed it is cheap, but although I don't have anything against Behringer, I've already had the 2 channel version of this interface (UMC 202) and the it's not the same quality as Tascam. I had a capacitor in the signal path blow up in my UMC202. The caps used in this line of interfaces are quite low quality.
With the behringer you can't get up to 24 in/out like the Studio Bridge, 16 is the max.

The next good option would be an (Audient) EVO 16 interface coupled with 1 or 2 EVO SP8 ADAT units for 16 to 24 in/out. Just 1 EVO SP8 for 16 in/out makes it about $150 less than the Studio Bridge, adding a second SP8 for 24 in/out makes it about $150 more than the Studio Bridge. This seems like the closest to my needs, but then I don't have the DAWless multitrack recording capability, and I have to deal with a mix of inputs in the front (2+2) and back panel (6+6).
The Model 24 is a fully functional 22 in / 24 out audio interface. Obviously data goes bidirectionally over USB connection, that's expected in USB audio interfaces.
If you meant you need physical line-level output connection then the Model 24 is not suitable because digital audio channels from MTR/USB s are hard-wired to the mixer.

FYI insert jacks (input 1 & 2) are placed in the analog portion of signal path before ADC converters, then can't work as output for audio from MTR/USB.
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As I said in my first post, I need to send up to 16 tracks through line outs from my DAW to record on my tape machine, and then 16 tracks playing back from the tape machine to the DAW. That's why I'm interested in the Studio Bridge, because it can do it like... an audio bridge in my studio...
I didn't know about the Model 24 inserts, good to know, thank you.
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Thanks for recalling about usecase :) I see no happier marriage than tape multitrack machine + Studio Bridge, at least at such budget level.
I pulled the trigger and ordered the Studio Bridge from Thomann, along with 6 DB25 to TRS harnesses. It will probably take 2-3 weeks to reach my location.
The other thing I hope doing with the Studio Bridge, is integrate other analog gear I have for mixing/mastering.
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Congratulations on your purchase! Probably 1 or 2 patchbays would give some flexibility in connecting in/outs, unless you are the lucky owner of a big mixing desk.
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Oh you did say 16. I was thinking of something smaller than 16 I/Os for transferring audio, not as a full time interface. For a full time interface, there is probably nothing out that that beats the Studio Bridge. A 32 channel Dante interface for an analog console is roughly USD$2,250.

A consideration with the Studio Bridge is the sub-D cables. Not a deal breaker and certainly the best way to handle all the I/O but an additional expense for sure.
@sguyader I'm looking forward to hearing your update about the Studio Bridge.
Oh you did say 16. I was thinking of something smaller than 16 I/Os for transferring audio, not as a full time interface. For a full time interface, there is probably nothing out that that beats the Studio Bridge. A 32 channel Dante interface for an analog console is roughly USD$2,250.

A consideration with the Studio Bridge is the sub-D cables. Not a deal breaker and certainly the best way to handle all the I/O but an additional expense for sure.
Hi, thank you. I bought 6 sets of DB25 to TRS cables, for about 60 euros a piece. It's a cost, but I see that as an investment. And the setup will tidier than with individual cables hanging around.
I'll definitely come back here and share my impressions.
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An update, I received my Studio Bridge yesterday. Before installing it properly, I opened it to take a look inside the machine, hoping to find what the AD/DA converters are (some people would like to know).
I think the unit is nicely made, components such as caps seem of good quality.

The digital to analog conversion is made by an Analog Devices ADAU1966AWBSTZ (16-channel, max 192 kHz, 24 bit, 114 dB DAC dynamic range, −97 dB THD+N). I saw only one chip, but since it's a 16-channel chip there's probably another one hiding somewhere.

Analog to digital conversion is made by TI TLV320ADC3140 chips (4-channel, Burr-Brown, max 768 kHz, 16-32 bits, 106 dB dynamic range, -98 dB THD+N). I saw 7 of them, which should give 6 for the main I/O channels and 1 for the headphone amp.


If found many JRC4580 opamp chips, I suppose they control the preamps.

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We appreciate the sacrifice you made (voiding your warranty) to inform us regarding the conversion and opamp chips. That's dedication!
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