Need help setting up Ableton + Windows 10


New Member
Dec 18, 2019
Gear owned
Model 16
I need help setting up my audio outputs and Ableton and Windows 10 Prefs for the Tascam Model audio interface.

I've been working with a Behringer Uphoria audio interface for a while and I had everything set up and working the way I wanted:
  • Audio Interface outputs to my Stereo Receiver Audio Aux In.
  • Audio Interface connected to DAW via USB.
  • ASIO Driver.
I can't find the way to replicate this on the Model.

Whenever I pick the Model Mixer Driver in Ableton's Audo Prefs, I can hear audio signal from the instruments plugged in. But I can't hear the sound from the rest of Midi tracks in Ableton that are not plugged to the mixer, such as VST instrument tracks.

On the opposite, whenever I pick the ASIO for All Driver, I can hear audio signal from VST instrument tracks but then I can't route the Model Mixer channels.

I'm kind of desperate, I wonder what am I missing.
Thanks for your help!

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