MX2424 does not recognize fujitsu disk 73 gb,

Reformatted on PC but the disk would not mount on the machine. I am initializing on the MX now but the process has been running for a couple of hours. Is this normal? I read that the init was just a "reformat" of the system files on the disk and not like the LLF where it writes to every sector.

If the drive had been formatted on a PC to fat32 it should just initialise on the MX and work? When you formatted did you do a quick format or a long format on the PC?

Initialising should only take 5 or 10 mins. The good thing is that the MX actually saw a drive that was available to initialise, if it was completely dead the MX would have said, "No such drive" or something like that.

The drive did format on my PC but never initialized on the MX. I have done a quick format and the regular one. I have tried a "guiformat" program that someone else on the forum has used so I believe that the format process is good. I tried to mount it after that and got a "Not able to allocate" error. I'm sure that the drive works as I can see it on the PC - I even put a copy of the TL Projects, backup folder and database file on the new drive. It still would not mount. There's something that I'm missing but I don't know what.
This stuff drives me nuts LOL, I have drives that seem perfectly OK but refuse to work in the MX, also have drives that seem to work in thew MX but come up with Media Too Slow, the drives all fit the required specs but just don't work. At some point I move on and buy some more drives. When I get a chance (been mixing a clients album project in the last 2 weeks, amongst doing my radio show, playing gigs, oh and the day job LOL, plus still trying to get the SCSI SATA drive thing to work) I will have a look at some of these drives with Disc Director and see if I can work out what is wrong and let you know.

I ordered 3 new 18G drives. They should arrive next week. If these don't work, I'm opting for the SCSI/SATA option myself.

What kind of machine do you use for interfacing with the MX and doing all of your SCSI setup, Windows or Mac?
Even though some here have got the SATA thing to work, I am still trying to get mine to work, even doing all the things suggested on the forum, I will be trying again soon.

I use a PC for MX view and scsi investigating.

I should point out that a lot of scsi drives I have bought over the years plug into the MX and format and initialise with no problems, it seems that just a few have caused the problems that you are facing. I would have at least 30 correctly working scsi drives at the moment, about 5 that have failed on "Media Too Slow" or just plan died over a period of time, and about 5 or 6 that just refuse to work like what you are experiencing, out of these 5 or 6 I suspect that at least 3 ware sold to me were duds to start with.

Didn't I see that you were trying a 500G SATA? That would cure a lot of drive problems to have that volume of storage.

I am also using a Windows machine. I thought that might be part of my problem.
Yes I am hoping for the 500 gig thing to work, then I will set it up to have multible rack out 500 gig drives.

In this case a PC will work better than a mac. Actually an older PC will work better for the scsi thing but they should all work.

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