MX View problems on windows XP

Darren said:
You are correct again Alan, I just recently down dated the software from 3.12 to 3.11 using mx view.
Also, I can confirm that mx view runs well on windows 7 32 and 64 bit, although
you can't install it in windows 7 64, you need to install it on xp etc, then copy the Tascam folder from program files to a usb stick then paste it in your 64 bit system.

I actually keep a copy of the installed Tascam folder on my software backup drive so it can be copied into any windows computer without installing.

Why did you down date to 3.11?

Hello again Alan, in the various posts I've read about the mx2424 apparantly
3.11 is more stable, and the updates from 3.11 to 3.12 only affect mac users,
if that is the case you could try 3.11 in your machines, I noticed you mentioned
one of your machines plays up sometimes, maybe 3.11 would help.
Do you know anything about 3.11 apparantly being more stable.
I have another question for you about loading wav files, I'll put that under a new topic.
There were often little fixes so I always say to use the latest OS I will check next time I turn on an MX at the studio and check which one I am running.

Back when these machines were new there were a lot of fix ups and upgrades going on, also to use the latest mx-view you often had to have the latest OS loaded. Some of the updates also enabled you to use larger drives as the early OS only allowed up to 18 gig (I think). There were also updates to do with locking machines to smpte better and in the early days I had this going all the time as we still had a 16 track tape machine as a master. There was about to be a further update that I initiated regarding a syncing glitch (track stay red after record has stopped until you disengage the slave mx and hit play, then you have to lock it up again), but tascam dismissed the staff and it did not happen, it would have been nice to have got it fixed.

There were often little fixes so I always say to use the latest OS. One thing to note is that after the OS systems were being updated tascam found that the ram installed in the machines (128mb) would not handle the new OS, so they up it to 256mb. They sent this out for free, but some machines were never up graded as the owners did not get round to it. My second hand machine was not up graded when I got it. If you have the newer OS installed but have only 128mb or ram installed problems arise. Note that only certain types and models of ram will work in the MX. I think the one that worked was an IBM 33L3075 256MB PC133 SDRAM, without pulling the machine out of the rack can't check but I purchased one of these just after I got the 2nd machine. Other 256mb Ram sticks that I had around the place did not work.


I assume the second hand mx2424 you are having problems with is the one
you had to replace the resistors in the analog card.
128 meg ram would explain why you were having problems with it.
When you say you purchased another ram stick after you got the second
mx does that mean that mx now has 256mb ram, does it still play up or did
the 256mb do the trick.
P.S. I'll try the 3.11 software for a while and see how it goes.
Actually the only playing up that the second machine really does is that on startup, it sometimes does not load the OS, everything else is working fine. I was wondering if there was a battery onboard that was a bit flat but I have not checked it out yet. The second hand machine does not get used that much as it only gets turned on if we run out of tracks or we are using the 2 mx's as a 24 channel in/out to firewire converter for other software like a clients protools rig.

When the secondhand machine had the 128mb of ram it was working fine but there was a risk it could run out of ram when doing heavy editing/recording, according to Tascam, so I changed it out.

Yes, the second hand one was the one I replaced the resisters on.

There are occasionally problems that show up on both machines, usually due to hard drive issues and the wacky file register writing system that the tascam has (try looking at an MX drive on a PC and see how many empty folders are created), usually a deck low level format fixes the drive or turning the tascam off and back on again fixes it. Remember! Back up your work then back it up again.

Good morning everyone.

Well i have run into a similiar problem. I have a MX2424 connected to a windows 7 computer running MX View. But seeing that Im on a ship in the middle of nowhere I cant get to download the pdf file for the next couple of days. This morning i booted up and mx view cant find connection between itself and tye 2424. I reset the prefrences, and then entered the machines ip amd nothing. The machine name is the one i gather is in the setup menu. It was working fine for the last 6 months since ive been on this particular vessel so im thinking a cortupt ip, but my BSS, SD8, Shure workbench and Yamha software is all running fine.

Any advice will be appreciated.


When you say you are on a ship do you mean like a cruise ship and you are
doing the stage shows, anyway, all I can suggest is to check your ip addresses
and make sure the first nine are the same and the last 3 on the mx are different
and are between 1 & 254, if you could give more info it would make it easier to help,
perhaps Alan will chime in with help, he knows just about everything about the mx, let us know if you get it working again.
JohannN said:
Good morning everyone.

Well i have run into a similiar problem. I have a MX2424 connected to a windows 7 computer running MX View. But seeing that Im on a ship in the middle of nowhere I cant get to download the pdf file for the next couple of days. This morning i booted up and mx view cant find connection between itself and tye 2424. I reset the prefrences, and then entered the machines ip amd nothing. The machine name is the one i gather is in the setup menu. It was working fine for the last 6 months since ive been on this particular vessel so im thinking a cortupt ip, but my BSS, SD8, Shure workbench and Yamha software is all running fine.

Any advice will be appreciated.



This is usually an IP address problem, have you turned off the "find IP address automatically" in windows so that the computer does not grab the ip address that the MX is using.

Hi Allen & Darren

I will go switch off the auto find in windows and see if that solves the problem. Its not a life andndeath editing problem for me, its more of a convenience situation where i dont have to use my remote control, because i dont like using it that much.

And as per your previous question Darren, si, Im on one of those cruise ships. We use the mx2424 for track playback for the stage shows. In actual fact, we use these machines on quite a few ships fleetwide. I will also go make sure that the ip on windows and the mx are the same except for the last three digits. When it comes to networking, I will confess that I dont really like it, because I have mot put in the time to learn all the ins and outs of it. Im more use to using my own setups than other peoples setups where I dont have 1 computer running multiple pieces of software over a network.

Thanks for the replies, I will get on it as soon as possible. I however have to go sort out another problem which is show critical with regards to tyese new J5 shure recievers that are more prone to RF interference than the old UA series.



Like the others here, I love my MX2424.

BTW...It's actually my 2nd one now after the previous finally expired.

I got very very lucky after an exhaustive Google search that took me to
an obscure computer shop on the 48th page of searching. Some guy put
an ad on his site for his Dad who was the band leader for their church. I guess
they figured they'd buy an MX2424 to record performances but once he opened
the box and started reading the manual, he realized they were WAY over their heads in his words.

He was willing to sell it to me (unused) for $500. It was the best 500 I ever spent! Tried to explain this incredible deal to my wife and she of course replied, "Oh, that's nice." :) I guess I had to tell SOMEBODY in the know. ;-) ancient desktop with WINDOWS 98 that I used for MX VIEW died a few months back and I replaced it with an old Windows laptop I had running XP.

I managed to get MX VIEW to run but I do notice there are some things that don't function as smoothly in XP. Namely, the vertical tracking bar hesitates and jumps here and there while recording or during playback. Also, the timeline numbers are garbled. A couple other little bugaboos but overall it functions.

I've been planning on trying to find an old copy of Windows 98 and wipe the entire laptop clean and install that but figured I'd check here first to see if anyone else is experiencing similar little quirks with XP and if so, if there's a cure or something to try?

I've been buying and using TASCAM recording gear for 30 years and have been more than pleased overall. I just wish they hadn't abandoned this hidden jewel.
I use mine with a RAMSA DA7 and they truly like one another. ;-)

Any thoughts before I go searching for '98. ALSO...if I must go the '98 route, is it my understanding I only need to pop the TASCAM folder into the program files directory once installed?

Many thanks! Bob
Hi Bob,

MX View works about 99% perfect on all my XP machines, did you install it as I discussed on page one of this topic? Or as a usual windows install?

I have had the jumpy visual now and then, but I think that is more due to a network problem, re-starting mx view seem to clear it. All the graphics are fine. I would try to re-install mxview and also have a look at the ethernet settings, cables, is it plugged in direct or through a hub? do you need to use a crossover cable etc.

The 1% problem I have is that now and then MX view crashes and a stupid windows message comes up with "windows has to shut down the program, OK" or something like it, I just shut mx view it down and restart it and usually all ok. This is probably a windows thing (amongst all the others LOL)

Just for the record for people using old computers to run mx view, mx view works perfect on windows 2000, and 2000 is leaps and bounds ahead of 98. 2000 still is my favourite windows platform.

Hi Alan

Thanks for the reply.
Tell you the truth I can't recall how
I installed MX but maybe I'll go back and
try again your way to see if a few things improve.

I DO recall being in a hurry because the old
computer running MX crashed in the midst of deadlines
(of course) and I near pulled my hair out trying to
get the ethernet to function on the replacement computer.

I had previously read about the crossover or
straight cable so THAT wasn't it and I was ready to go insane
until I realized I had entered one wrong digit on the IP Address!
It was like a typo you look at a 1000 times and never SEE it!

Slapped myself senseless once I realized it.

I'll re-install MX "your way" and see if that helps.
If not, perhaps I'll go the Windows 2000 route as
you mention.

Again, thanks for the reply!

Best regards, Bob

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