Mx-2424 and xp o/s

Stoke Music Dude

New Member
Apr 17, 2017
Gear owned
I've got an excellent Tascam MX-2424 . . . but I can't get MX view downloaded onto my older Emachine desktop PC running XP with Service Pack 3 installed.

Tried a million times now . . and its just not happening. The MX-2424 is connected to the PC via the correct Xover LAN cable and the PC see's the connected and states 100mb transfer rate (best?) and I've set the IP addresses on both the machine and PC as per guidance.

It's just getting the software to load onto the PC . . Grrrr!!!. It appears to be working, goes into Jave Runtime Environment . . I go back to DOS install . . press space bar . . . nothing. I've powered down the PC and restarted and I'm now loosing the will to live.

The only thing that I think maybe relevant is the my XP pc is not connected to www as I want it only as a audio workstation for the MX-2424 and running Music Creator 5 software. Interweb just loads junk onto you PC and eventually buggers it . . not getting into that rat race. I've got a more modern separate Acer machine running Windows 10 for all that stuff. Transferring files/downloads via USB stick.

Any help would be much appreciated . . . I've read many threads on this . . and everyone seams to have various install problems.

You need to have a previously installed TASCAM folder that you place in the Program folder on your drive that has your computer programs on it.

My computer > C Drive > Program Folder > copy Tascam Folder into it.

Then open TASACM folder, right click on the little icon of the MX2424, copy to > create (desktop) shortcut Note: I did this from memory but it should be about right.

Now if you send me a personal message with your email address I will send you the previously installed tascam folder you need.

Before it will all work you need to set up the networking as per the Tascam Manual, if you need any help let me know.

Hi Again Alan

Well I'm up and running and I've got the MX View software loaded onto my older Emachine PC running under XP. All this confusion is simply over the names being used and my own experience of IT terminology. Firstly the name on the Tascam web site of the correct files/folder is "MX-OS v. 3.11" which is mxos311.exe. Now to me, using the initials OS means Operating System and I took this file to be a firmware update of the internal software on the MX-2424 hardrive itself as it doesn't use the name MX View or even use the GUI (Graphic User Interface) acronym as other versions on the Tascam site does!

Once I loaded the folder (unzipped) onto a thumb drive and transferred it the other PC, it loaded fine. The PC and MX-2424 are linked and talking to each other so all's well that ends well.

At this juncture, is there any other PC/software add on's/updates I should address?

Once again, many thanks for efforts in helping me get to the answer. . . otherwise I'd still be flogging the well dead View Net horse!!!

Good to see it up and running, just a point of clarity, the MX2424 operating system is not stored on the hard drive, the actual mx operating system is stored on a flash rom within the machine.

If you have that latest dated operating system and MX view, both of which are now very old LOL, you won't have problems. Another thing to check is does the machine have 128mb of RAM or 256mb of RAM? If only 128, you will need to up it to 256, this is shown in the menu , 988 I think, the MX only takes certain models of RAM but I can give you a link to where to buy some if you need to.

Any other operating problems just shout out.


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