More than one monitor mix?


New Member
Feb 11, 2021
Gear owned
I have a DP-32SD. Is it possible when recording more than 1 track at a time with more than one artist (say acoustic guitar and singer) to have separate monitor mixes for each person so they can hear their preferences (which are different) while recording? It seems that may not be possible but thought I’d post the question to see if there’s something I may be missing like maybe using multiple outs (stereo and monitor). Thanks!
Following can be found among the posts in the "Production Tips" sticky thread pinned in the shaded area at the top of this forum (always a good place to start a search of the forum).

A Custom Cue Mix
Assigning Source inputs to the Stereo bus and using the Mixer screen allows the performer to have a custom mix of the Source signals and Effects/EQ in real time (if the performer needs or wants one) that doesn't depend on or impact the Track signals going to the Recorder or that pass through/depend on the Track Fader levels going to the Stereo bus. The Input's EQ, Phase, Dynamic Effects, if set, will impact the signal going to the Track and will be recorded. (see the Block Diagram in the OM).

You'll need a separate headphone amp to take the output of the stereo bus. The onboard headphone circuit provides the other mix.
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a couple of years ago I bought a Behringer HA6000 headphone amp in case I needed more outputs than my existing 4 output amp.

Only looked at it again yesterday and low and behold, each of the 6 channels allows you to mix the main signal with your instrument's signal. VERY handy indeed.

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