Monitor outputs

Kieran McAree

New Member
May 23, 2020
Gear owned
Tascam dp-24sd
Hi. I’ve just upgraded to the dp-24sd from my 2488. I bought the dp-24sd used. I’m pretty sure this unit has a hardware problem as I’m pretty sure my settings are correct. There is no signal from the monitor outputs and I can get the signal from both the headphones and stereo outs. Has anybody any thoughts ? Thanks in advance.
Welcome to the forum Kieran. If it's a 2nd hand unit, first thing I would do is a factory initialise. It may be just a simple case of the Monitor Select, but it could be many things. Either way, an initialise should reset it to a sensible state. Also check & upgrade the firmware to the latest.
Update - just re-read your post and you say the headphones work... that eliminates the Monitor Select issue. Try a reset anyway.
Welcome to the Tascam Forums @Kieran McAree. Since you are getting a signal out of the headphone jack, I would do something like plug the Monitor output into something else (maybe a guitar amp on a very low gain setting) just to make sure that signal was going out. Also, the monitor audio chain could be an issue. For example, my monitors are Bluetooth and they come on in BT mode. I'm embarrassed to say how many times I looked over the entire system to figure out why I have no monitor audio, only to find the little blue light blinking! Try sending another signal into the monitors to make sure they are working too. As Phil says, a factory reset is an excellent place to start. I bought my machine used too and a reset is the only way to return to a known state with a new machine.
Thanks for the reply’s. I have initialised the unit and formatted the sd card with all relevant folders in place. Studio monitors and cables are new and working flawlessly on the 2488. I’ve exhausted every settings avenue and still no output at the monitor Trs’s. Headphones and stereo out fine and controllable with their dedicated controls. Every thing seems to lead me back to an issue within the machine.

I think I may have purchased someone else’s problem.

ps. I watched your videos Phil. Abosoloutly brilliant.

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