Model 12 with Presonus Studio One 7


New Member
Apr 11, 2023
Gear owned
Portacapture X8, Model 12

I have my guitar, bass and roland drum pad, going into the Model 12 and as subs to sub out to my boss rc 505mk 2 looper. I then have the looper out going to input 5 to main mix. I have everything set to live when recording and I hear everything fine with headphones attached to the model 12. The audio is recorded in studio one and it shows, but when I go to play the recording from studio one, nothing is playing. I switched everything to PC and that still doesn't play any sound to the model 12. What should I have the track I recorded in studio set as to be able to hear it still in the model 12?

I'm sending the whole mix master to studio one because I can't figure out how to send them individually. Ideally I would like to do that to have more control in mixing.
Check Menu > SYSTEM > USB AUDIO > PC ← MULTI option (audio from Model 12 to pc), default value is Stereo Mix. The other setting is for pc audio returning to the Model 12. Keep the manual at hand.
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I do have it in the multi option and yes that gives me the option to record each track. I am running the boss RC 505mk2 looper though and need to figure out how to separate those looped tracks which I don't think is possible. I think my only option is to create stems from the instruments I am recording into the looper.
I'm unclear if you are finding issues with:
1- audio being sent to the RC 505 input via Model 12 SUB Bus, or
2 - audio coming from the RC 505 output..

N.1: on the Model 12 assign to SUB any channel you wish to send to the looper.
N.2: on the RC 505 assign each looper track to a different output, according to the manual there are 3 stereo pairs mono assignable (2 Main and 2 stereo busses).

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