Model 12 Main Bus no signal

Kapn Krunch234

New Member
Sep 6, 2022
Gear owned
Model 12
Receiving no signal through main bus.

Following checklist has been completed:

1. All AFL options have been disabled, including AUX 1 & AUX 2 push buttons. (Both in UP, or disabled position )
2. All PFL Solo buttons in UP, disabled position.
3. Each push button for MAIN in each active channel strip activated, in ON (clicked down) position
4. Each Mode Selector switch is toggled to MTR for each active channel strip. (Live Mode has been tested for each channel, still no signal to MAIN bus.)
5. Firmware has been updated to 88.130 (most current)
6. Firmware has been reset to original, default factory settings.
7. SD MAIN MIX RETURN button in UP, (or disabled position)

This sudden lack of functionality occurred overnight, with a successful session of SD playback & EQ / Compression adjustments occurring less than 24 hrs prior.

Additional observations:

1. SUB bus can be utilized via 1/4" TR loop-back to any arbitrary channel strip input.
2. All channel strips can be activated, either individually or simultaneously to headphone out 1 or 2 via activation of SOLO bus push buttons for each selected channel strip. This occurs regardless of MAIN bus push button activation within each channel strip. However, individual volume faders for each channel have no effect & the resulting solo bus mix consists of a uniform volume for each channel strip simultaneously activated to the SOLO bus. The resulting SOLO bus signal is still, however, adjustable at EQ & Comp.

Any thoughts are greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
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From the Owner's Manual:

When this switch is on (pushed in), playback of stereo master
files recorded on the SD card is output from the MAIN OUTPUT jacks.

Be aware that when this switch is on (pushed in), the sound of the MAIN MIX L/R bus is not output.
Thank you Max Relic - I had intended to include that detail in the checklist from original post, which has now been updated to reflect that additional detail.
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@[SIZE=4][URL='']Kapn Krunch234[/URL][/SIZE]
2. All channel strips can be activated, either individually or simultaneously to headphone out 1 or 2 via activation of SOLO bus push buttons for each selected channel strip. This occurs regardless of MAIN bus push button activation within each channel strip. However, individual volume faders for each channel have no effect & the resulting solo bus mix consists of a uniform volume for each channel strip simultaneously activated to the SOLO bus.
It seems PFL / Solo-in-place is engaged... are you listening with monitors attached to Main output or just headphones? What about the meters?

Later edit: I left out the obvious MAIN MUTE switch, is the indicator on or off?
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@Max Relic

Solo-In-Place is the default setting for SOLO bus functionality, and the firmware has been reset to factory default settings as previously stated in Item 6 of original post.

MAIN L/R (XLR) Output has been tested prior to initial checklist (for reference monitor output from MAIN BUS )
Result: No Signal
Headphones test : No Signal via MAIN BUS,
headphone signal available only via the "Additional Observations" Item 2 configuration, which you prior inquiry referenced.

LED signal meter lights up & displays signal only via SUB loopback to any arbitrary non-recorded Channel Strip. This of course is through SUB & not main, (yet it is encouraging in the sense that it demonstrates that functionality of the LED signal meter & SUB bus remain intact.)

MAIN MUTE switch is deactivated (& unlit) at all times.

Thank you Max Relic & all others for your insights & ideas,
all are greatly appreciated.

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