Model 12 Livestream Video and Audio to Facebook Live, with effects


New Member
Dec 4, 2020
Boston, MA
Gear owned
Model 12
I’ll start by saying, sorry if this is posted somewhere already. I couldn’t find the answer. Has anyone setup the Tascam 12 to stream to Facebook Live? For not, I just want to stream quality audio for a mic and guitar. I’d also like to run the onboard effects on the mic. I’ve had some success but doesn’t seem right. I also don’t get any of the recorded effects when I listen back to the Facebook recording. I was under the impression that I could live stream a whole band as well. Do I need OBS software? Will stream from my Windows 10 laptop and or my iPad. Any help y’all can offer would be greatly appreciated? Thanks.
Thanks MJK! No my head is seriously spinning. This is my first mixer and interface, so wrapping my head around that post is gonna take some time. No really sure how I go about assigning channels to FB live or teams, headphone monitoring for mic and guitar, etc. I will continue the research and experiment. One thing, do I need OBS to do this? Oh, and I know I am using ASIO drivers, for what it’s worth.
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One thing, do I need OBS to do this?

I don't know. I mean it depends upon what you want to do. If you have a green screen and lots of scenes and clips, then you need some kind of broadcasting software. If all you need is your webcam and a single audio source (the console) then, the web interface should be good enough (if FB has a web interface - I don't know about that).

I stream to FB and 3 other platforms simultaneously with a mobile RTMP encoder (PRISM Live Studio, and also PC version, but I'm also quite familiar with OBS and SLOBS). So I don't know if FB has a web interface like YouTube Live.

OBS can be complicated. It's not beyond you, but you're not going to install it and go live 20 mins later. One thing you have to be careful with is how you monitor the mic and external audio, such as clips. You can get a doubling effect by having the source set to Monitor and Output while your monitor is also outputting, so you get double output with the latency between those 2 outputs very audible, and annoying. Normally I set sources for Monitor Only (Mute Output) and output the monitor mix I hear on the console.

If FB has a web interface, you're going to save yourself a lot of trouble.
Thank MJK. FB has a web interface, I believe. I’ll see what I can figure out and let you know where I land. No green screens. Just a cam, a mic, my guitar, a PC or iPad and the model 12. Again thanks. Your feedback is always helpful and greatly appreciated.
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Ok, cool. Try it out, report back any difficulties I'll try to help. I may be able to help with testing.
Thank MJK. FB has a web interface, I believe. I’ll see what I can figure out and let you know where I land. No green screens. Just a cam, a mic, my guitar, a PC or iPad and the model 12. Again thanks. Your feedback is always helpful and greatly appreciated.

How have you been making out with your live streams?

. Normally I set sources for Monitor Only (Mute Output) and output the monitor mix I hear on the console.

Hi - I'm new to the Model 12 and have maybe a similar issue. I am using channels 1&2 to monitor my PC sound as instructed and that works great. However when I tried to stream to a karaoke website ( with my microphone on channel 3 set to LIVE, the audio being monitored from the PC on channels 1 and 2 ends up being recorded along with the live mic to the website's recording app. I can see the signal being monitored on the MASTER level LEDs when the mic channel is muted. So during playback from the website, I hear the backing track from the PC source and also hear it playing back on the recorded vocal track. Not sure if this makes any sense but I would like to figure out how to just monitor the PC source and not have the PC audio recorded along with the live channel mic when I play it back. In the past I used a TASCAM audio interface (I don't recall the model) and also a Presonus AudioBox interface and would route the output from a Behringer mixer to the TASCAM or Presonus audio interface. That setup did not have this issue. The Behringer mixer died recently and I went for the Model 12 (I'm an old Portastudio user from the 1980's so the nostalgic look appealed to me). So now I got a bigger learning curve but I love a challenge. Thanks in advance for any advice you all might have.
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@bakerja4 yes it makes perfect sense and that is the issue right there. In radio what you need is called a "mix minus" which means the entire mix "minus" what you need to take off the bus, namely the caller on the phone.

Keep in mind that you quoted me talking about monitoring sources in OBS and not on hardware, but the principle is the same.

In your case you need to somehow get the "caller" that is, the PC audio off the signal going out to the live stream. I would put the mic on a bus and send only that bus out to the live stream. You monitor off the normal Main stereo bus but the stream only hears that aux bus with the mic on it.

How do you do that on a Model 12? I have no earthly idea. Is there a way to listen to the PC without it going to the Main bus? Maybe PFL with the faders down?

You may have to use ASIO instead of Windows audio in order to get access to the individual outs on the console. If there is a direct out for channel 3, that is what I would use and then only the mic is feeding the live stream. But you are going to have to use the setup on the live stream site and see what is available for audio sources from the selector. Some software won't use ASIO and is limited to Windows audio only. I have yet to see a web based broadcasting interface that would utilize AISO audio.

Believe it or not, even with a fully functional studio with two consoles I use a USB microphone to both send audio and also monitor audio right off the microphone with my headphones plugged into the monitor jack on the microphone. When I do this, the Behringer X32 is sitting there switched off, with the cover on it, holding my papers as a desk, lol. But it's the most practical and easy way of doing it.

In this video I'm testing the JTS JS 1-P on a YouTube live stream with PRISM Live Studio PC. Monitoring right off the mic. That is by far the easiest solution to your problem.


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