Model 12 hissing/white noise problem


New Member
Jan 19, 2023
Gear owned
Model 12

my Model 12 just arrived today and after connecting it to my Akai MPC 2000 XL and getting the sound to work, I noticed a very loud hissing/white noise sound right of the box.

Moving down the faders from their maximum position to zero kinda helps but as soon as I am increasing the volume on my headphone knob (going higher then 12 o clock) while having all 10 channels sent to the main output I'm hearing a noticeable white noise sound which is really annoying to say at least. If I boost the mid EQ for all the channels the white noise gets even louder. I disconnected all cables beside my headphones and even with nothing connected the white noise is still present. If I set all the faders to the max, boost half of the channels high mids to the max and half the channels low mids then it literally sounds like rain and rumbling of a storm. It goes as this far as my meter is going to -10/-20. Of course these are extreme settings but I could use the sounds this thing generates to use it as ambient FX for my LoFi music.

I already looked in this forum and found that many other people had the same problem

Some reported great improvement after updating their firmware to 1.3. and for a few seconds I was really hyped only to find out that my device is already running 1.3.

I currently have nothing connected to the main output, only my headphones as I'm still waiting for my cables. I have to little knowledge to know if connecting speakers might help it. But for a product in this price range this shouldn't be problem. I can set all the faders to 0, set my headphone volume to 12 o clock and only send 1 or 2 channels to the main, and then the white noise sound is reduced to a minimum, but I can still hear it. One thing I also noticed is the fact that the white noise accumulates and gets louder the more channels I send to the main.

If anyone had the same problem then please let me know. I love the mixer in every other aspect and I doubt that I'm the only one and it's only due to a faulty unit as other people already described the same problem in every little aspect the same way I experience it now.

I'm dealing with the same issue. I've had my M12 for over a year and don't recall this an issue until now. I plugged directly into my sub output and headphone outs and found it directly coming from the board. Has anyone found a culprit?
I may have replied to you on another thread so forgive me if I did. But this SUCKS. I spent 60 bucks shipping the unit out for it to be serviced at TAP electronics. They insisted that there was no hiss or noise floor issue. THey sent me a few cell phone videos of them blasting stuff through the mixer, however the faders were all set to like -20. The manual says unity already is meant to be -12dB! They wouldn't send me a video of the ambient noise level at unity across the board. He condescendingly assured me everything was fine. They shipped the unit back. The noise is still there AND NOW THE HEADPHONE JACKS DONT WORK lolllll.

Next step is to reach out to Tascam AGAIN.
@spencey and @Tommayallday:
I don't own one of these mixer/recorders, but may I suggest that the best way to demonstrate and get some practical help with this issue would be to go through a complete typical (for you) multit-rack recording process from tracking to mix-down; and then post a link to the stereo mix of the completed song using a hosting platform (soundcloud, google drive, etc.).

The mixdown should be dry (no EQ or FX) and completely within the unit (i.e., no computer attached/used) so we can hear the pure recording produced by the unit and hear the actual problem under real-world use.

It will also be important for you to let us know the rundown of your complete hardware system (including firmware,); trim and fader settings; the instruments and outboard gear, pedals (battery or AC power) etc. that are connected and where; the cabling (type and length); the signal chain, etc.; as well as the hardware/system/equipment you're using with your Model 12 to monitor during tracking and mixing.

You'll also need to tell us about the recording location's environment: lighting ( florescent, incandescent, L.E.D.), dimmer switches (if any); computer monitors; any other appliances/things connected on the same electric circuit; use of multi-outlet electrical extension cables; and anything else that might generate radio frequency interference/anomalies that might find there way into the Model 12 circuitry through the electrical wiring of the location.

This way, those of us on this forum with decades of professional audio engineering experience under our belts can make some real-world suggestions on how you might address this issue so you can get on with making music.
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Hey Mark thanks for the suggestion. I also have decades of audio engineering and production experience under my belt. In my particular case that amount of information will not be necessary. I tested the mixer at multiple studios at multiple locations with different and redundant cabling, unique tascam power supplies, all outputs, power conditioners, hell I even tried ferrite clamps. Sent recordings and spectrum analyzation of the increased noise floor. A/B side by side with ANOTHER model 12.

Its not the dimmer switcher in the studio kitchen.

The licensed service provider did not address it and sent cell phone videos that appear to be intentionally obfuscating the noise floor issue, despite my back and forth insisting they send a clear measurement of the floor at unity. They called again, for a third time, assured me the problem was solved, and its not.

And now to add more - the headphone outputs no longer send signal like they did before it was sent in. LOL
The headphone jacks though - that is reason enough to return!
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...THey sent me a few cell phone videos of them blasting stuff through the mixer, however the faders were all set to like -20...

...Sent recordings and spectrum analyzation of the increased noise floor. A/B side by side with ANOTHER model 12.

@Tommayallday, I'm thinking since the entire Model series was designed as front-of-house mixers, -20 dBFS would be the correct testing level if the intended purpose of the mixer is to capture without distortion the dynamic range of a live performance. The Model 16 & 24 record at -20dBFS level after conversion from analog VU to digital dBFS.

Regardless, the fact that direct comparison of two different Model 12s with the same firmware version showed the issue in one but not the other seems to indicate a defect; and the new headphone circuit issue is even more disturbing.

Hope you get to a satisfactory resolution soon.
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