Model 12: Grouping channels?


Mar 23, 2024
Gear owned
Tascam M12
We would like to mix dubs in the old four track vintage style. What would be the best approach, given, that we have our tracks on the M12? We would like to use four groups, like drums/bass/keyboards/guitars, which originally may reside on eight single tracks. If i'm right, tracks 1 and 2 would be for drum and bass, and tracks 5 to 8 would hold the keyboards and guitars. So we could maybe groupt them for the unused tracks 4 and 5? So basically my question is, how would we group tracks 5 and 6 into track 3, and 7 and 8 to track 4? Of course we would need those upper tracks 5 to 8 to be quiet, since they are supposed to be heard at 3 anf 4.

We also could do this in the DAW, but if it's doable on the Tascam, it would be more stylish. See my diagram, how we would like to have the setup.

1: drums

2: bass

/ organ (track 5)
3: keyboards <-
\ piano (track 6)

/ rhythm guitar (track 7)
4: guitars <-
\ lead guitar (track 8)

So the green tracks are the four mixing tracks, and the red ones should be silent, but feeding their content to track 3 and 4.
Or ist there another way?
And sorry for the ugly layout, but this editor doesn't allow blank characters to have the funnel style graphic in the right places.
@Up457, welcome to the forum. In the Model 12 you can bounce recorded tracks into an empty track in the same way it was done on multitrack tape recorders, but before starting I suggest you make a safe copy of the song folder in your pc.
- set input source switches to MTR for all the tracks to be pre-mixed (5 to 8);
- set channels 3 - 4 to LIVE input, assign to MAIN only;
- unmute channels 5 - 6 and assign to SUB only, PAN full anti-clockwise and set faders as needed to create proper mixing;
- unmute channels 7 - 8 and assign to SUB only, PAN full clockwise and set faders as needed to create proper mixing;
- set channels 3 - 4 to LIVE input, MUTE off, assign to MAIN only, faders as needed;
- the remaining channels can be set as needed, providing they are assigned to MAIN only;
- in the SUB section set MUTE and MAIN to off, raise the fader to "0" (unity);
- route a TRS cable from Left SUB Output to input 3, and one from Right SUB Output to input 4;
- monitoring from MAIN out, press Play and you should hear the content of tracks 5-6 coming from channel 3 and the content of tracks 7-8 coming from channel 4 (SIG LEDs blink according to input level);
- recording level on channels 3 - 4 depends on the setting of GAIN, SUB fader and channels 5-6-7-8 faders;
- when you are ready arm the REC buttons on channels 3 - 4 only and start recording;
- when done switch channels 3 - 4 to MTR input and REC buttons off, press the Play
button to listen the bounced tracks;
- when you are satisfied with the result you can erase tracks 5 to 8.

The above is one of the possible ways to achieve your goal. With a little creativity you may find other ways, like bouncing directly to the stereo MAIN Mix and swap tracks 11-12 with 3-4 afterwards.
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Thank you very much, that sounds promising. Yes, we were recording on Tascam 244 back in the days, that was fun already. But now, with all that practically lossless workflow, it is even much better. Appreciate your detailed suggestion!

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