Model 12 codec error


New Member
Nov 16, 2022
Gear owned
Model 12
Hello, I have an issue with my model 12, when powered on it say 'codec error please PWR off'.

Has anybody came across this issue? It's a huge headache and I've no way of fixing it. The unit is frozen on this and I cannot use it at all.

Any help would be hugely appreciated! Thank you in advance
Does it show the error without an SD card also?
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'codec error please PWR off'.... Has anybody came across this
Short answer: a quick forum search indicates no reports of this error code have been made.

If the answer to mjk's question is "yes", then a call to TASCAM product support is probably the next step, since the mixer can't start.
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However if it starts without the SD card, then copying the contents to the PC and reformatting the card my solve the issue.
You're right, mj, but we may never know. The OP's been back to this thread well after you and I posted. If the OP doesn't tell us anything more, then no point in speculating. That's why I edited down my original post...too many variables, not enough basic information provided.

If the OP responds, then the response will give us a direction to go. If not, I've got better things to do than speculate blindly.;)
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Roger that.
Hi, I live away from home three days a week as a support worker, apologies for the lack of replies. I'll be home on Saturday to run through it all. To clarify, this happens with or without the sd card in, I have the latest firmware. I wasn't expecting to be in work a day early, regardless, thanks for the replies, much appreciated.

Edit: just got a reply from tascam support, looks as though its a hardware problem and will be sent for repair.
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OK, glad it got sorted out. That's too bad. Hope to hear from you again after you start making music on the replacement unit. Welcome to the Tascam Forums :)
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This is the only other case I have been able to find anywhere regarding the "CODEC ERROR" on start-up. I am experiencing the same issue with my Model 16. I spoke to Tascam twice, who said they had no information on the code. They eventually gave me information for three repair shops they contract with. I spoke to 2 out of 3; the first had never heard of it, and the second had, but said they couldn't fix it and just sent it to Tascam (presumably) for replacement.
Tascam did give me one helpful tip - that I could hold rewind and play while powering on the unit to start the firmware update. Now, because I had just purchased the unit used, it didn't have a formatted SD card. Tascam said I was out of luck because you need to unit to format the card - I figured out that the firmware files just need to be located in a folder named "UTILITY", so I just did that on my computer and it worked. I'm not sure if the firmware update helped, because the problem persisted.
I asked if there were any other shortcuts that could force the unit past the error message, but they said that was the only one. I wasn't ready to give up so I decided to see if it would work as just an interface, but with the error message, the daw wouldn't recognize the unit. Out of frustration, I just started trying random combinations of buttons to see if anything would happen - and it did.
I held down the fast-forward and record buttons while powering on the unit, and it entered what I assume is mix-down mode. While in that mode, the daw was able to recognize the unit with no issues. I don't know why, but after all of that, that same power-up procedure successfully powers up the unit with no issues at all, entering the standard mode on the unit. The problem is still intermittent, but holding down fast-forward and record while flipping the power button works every time.

tl/dr: Hold down the fast-forward and record buttons while powering up to start unit successfully without the "CODEC" error message
Does this trick work when you have the 'CODEC ERROR A4 please power off' message?
Thx for the info!
I've dealt with the "CODEC ERROR please PWR off" glitch several times now. I am pretty sure it is something to do with the board overheating or the power supply not working right. When I unplug the mixer completely, including unplugging my mixer for 20-30 minutes it seems to revive. I am a longtime TASCAM user and have sworn by their products for a very long time, just to have something so horribly unreliable is heartbreaking.

I baby my gear and realizing that this product does not live up to the reliability of my DP-32 is very sad. I hope TASCAM will release a new firmware update that makes it even more stable.
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this product does not live up to the reliability of my DP-32
I wuzn’t gonna say it…have held my tongue a looong time…

But - being a longtime forum participant, I’ve marveled for years at the relentless stream of operational and technical problems that the Mxx’s (mostly the 12) seems to inflict on pretty much everyone.

By contrast, my o/g (over 10 years old) DP-32 has never ONCE thrown an error code, frozen in use, corrupted a file…nothing…& is ridiculously user-friendly.
And my 3 successive 2488’s - over a 15-year history - were similarly reliable.

So…any of you Mxx owners have a defense for this seemingly heavily-flawed design?!?🤔
I hope TASCAM will release a new firmware update that makes it even more stable.
Make sure you report it to them. Figure out what circumstances lead to the error and communicate that to Tascam so they can duplicate it. That's the only way you'll get an update.

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