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Go for it captain...forgotten or soon to be a discontinued product or not, good business means listening to the voice of your customers. Whether they respond with a nice "thank you" or not, it's better than not trying. Tascam has listened to me in the past as I had to contact corporate twice to replace my DM3200. Took me 3 machines for me to get a working one over the course of a year and a half. So if you are persistent, someone eventually listens.
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I feel I need to be clear about something as well.

The "DM's" are not the only product TASCAM has on their plate - just take a look at every product on their site. I feel there is a "More Me DM User" mentality without realizing this gigantic company has so many other and NEW products coming through the line. I even have a few insiders there and elsewhere that can't get certain things through to the upper brass.

Personally, I don't care who writes a letter because if the issue doesn't get fixed, then TASCAM is "not listening to the DM user" and for some reason - that is bad. All I care about is people learning the board so they can make music. I helped a guy over the phone from Missouri the other day and that was great. I love demystifying the board for new users.

In any case - just make music.
That's awesome!
Ernie sez: "Just make music." AudioWave sez: "..get your polite thank you..."

On second thought - you're both right. I'll back burner the letter - next to that damn DM video I haven't finished either. :eek:

PS: I think I'm going to resist the temptation to involve myself in further speculative, or wishful thinking, types of discussions like this. Let me know if - or when - Tas_Gib Industries reveals its {Code name - 'X99 La Bomba') megamixer with whatever you want included, available, compatible, and guaranteed upgradable for at least 5 seasons. :)
Tascam has listened to me in the past as I had to contact corporate twice to replace my DM3200. Took me 3 machines for me to get a working one over the course of a year and a half. So if you are persistent, someone eventually listens.

That is not really listening to your customer. That was just basic customer service that was obligated by them due to a customer receiving a repeated defective product. I know that if I had to have gone thru that, I would have gotten my money back after the 2nd defective DM and moved on...

Real listening to your customers is when a company does product surveys asking specific questions about things like their work flow with the product, where the strength and weakness are and what desired features and functions would customers like to see developed. Listening to your customers is when a company makes product announcements about new and planned feature and improvements based on customer input and demand. Listening to your customers is when you are at a trade show and your main trade show message is about how you are promoting and featuring one of your Flag Ship products and asking customers and dealers what can and should be done to take the product to the next step.
Okay. Since my name was mentioned, I'll chime in:

I know what Charlie (Cmaffia) meant; he was being completely inclusive of all members on this forum. My name was on the tip of his tongue because I shoot my mouth off frequently, and his suggestion I contact Tascam was essentially a function of ubiquity more than my perceived eloquence. Plus, I would ASSume we both share a similar love of sarcasm - which goes equally for our friend Jarno, and most certainly Jamsire as well. And Arjan's recent post made me laugh for about 20 minutes, so he's a 'contendah' for Comedy Open Mike Night too.

And while we're at it, Gentleman Jim of Gravity fame is known to have put a keen curve ball on a word or two himself. For that matter, there are some astute, lucid writers on this forum - any one of whom could craft an effective letter to Tascam.


Gee, Thanks Dan...Oh Look, a cliff....aaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!
No respect I's tell ya, No repect.
No disrespect meant, sir. You're one of the main gurus on this here forum.

Apologies for the oversight. ;)

I'm not stepping to this. :D

Except to say I'm not really an eloquent writer: I'm just practiced. 16 years a copywriter before starting Gravity, and a couple years writing monthly columns, gear reviews and features for Keyboard and EQ after.

But I agree that Tascam should hear from us. I also think that Tascam could effectively market the DM to EDM and hip hop producers who currently don't even think of owning a mixing console. They would only need to recalibrate their own thinking on the product.
I'm not stepping to this. :D

Except to say I'm not really an eloquent writer: I'm just practiced. 16 years a copywriter before starting Gravity, and a couple years writing monthly columns, gear reviews and features for Keyboard and EQ after.

But I agree that Tascam should hear from us. I also think that Tascam could effectively market the DM to EDM and hip hop producers who currently don't even think of owning a mixing console. They would only need to recalibrate their own thinking on the product.
Amazing how much talent there is outside of the musical talent from some forum members.
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That is not really listening to your customer. That was just basic customer service that was obligated by them due to a customer receiving a repeated defective product. I know that if I had to have gone thru that, I would have gotten my money back after the 2nd defective DM and moved on...
Well it's good thing we aren't alike because I would have missed out on using an amazing machine as well as interacting with the good people here in this forum. I was smart enough in 2009 to work through the problems because I knew nothing else out there matched it's' functionality in its' price range. At least we have RedBus who always listens to us as well as answers our questions.
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I'm not really an eloquent writer: I'm just practiced

Neither am I, but I play one on tv. (rimshot) :ugeek:

All kidding aside, I may reconsider. But I'll be honest with you guys - I've been through this rodeo with my previous setup. Within two years of its release, many of those who purchased the device began complaining of lack of support. After one or two bug fixes, and the release of a very promising expansion card, a year later, the company announced the product's discontinuance, and introduced a pair of exceedingly dumbed down successors. Only 3.5 years in production, and the circus folds its tent and leaves town.

Now - 12 years later, that same 'obsolete' device has found new life - or should I say - 'after life.' There are no 3rd party suppliers, nor anything other than a scant repair commitment from the company in question. Yet, folks are using this machine to crank out product, participating in several users forums like this one.. I suspect a similar future awaits the DMixers. Plea as we might, a company's primary motivations are revenue and profit. When the former shrinks, and the latter disappears, so inevitably does the product. That's not necessarily a reflection on the quality, but more a function of market perception and demand.

So if I write a missive to Tascam, it'll likely be more a thank you letter for providing me an incredible tool - a device enabling me to produce high quality material without having to hock the house to do it. In my world, the shortcomings pale in comparison to the benefits - a viewpoint apparently opposite that of others. The good news is there are plenty of options out there; if something isn't working, or its company isn't perceptibly forthcoming with support, eBay, Sam's Ass, SweatWater, SwungCompass, and your friendly audio pawn shoppes are standing by. :)


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