M3700 Midi signal to control Logic Pro X fader levels ?


New Member
Jun 5, 2017
Adelaide, South Australia
Gear owned
Tascam M3700-24
Does anyone know if it is possible to 're-program' the midi protocol in a M3700 console so I can use the VCA faders midi output to control the faders in Logic ProX.

As it stands the consoles faders do control the faders in Logic Pro X but in reverse, ie, move an M3700 fader Up and the corresponding fader in Logis moves DOWN.

Is there a simple fix I can do, or have done, that will reverse the midi message so that as I move a fader on the console the corresponding fader in Logic moves in the same direction?

If so the M3700 would make an awesome control surface. if coupled with a Logic transport controller.
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