Low input volume on DP01FX


New Member
Feb 9, 2017
I bought a used DP01FX some time ago and I can't get decent input volume. I'm using a Shure SM-57 and to record acoustic guitar, for example, I have to turn the input trim pot almost all the way up, which is very noisy and produces a boomy sound. I also bought a mic ART TubeMP Tube Microphone Preamp, but it doesn't seem to help.

Any ideas out there? Has anyone else ever seen this issue?
Thanks very much for responding. I've tried many different spots, but mostly (because of this problem) within six inches or so of where the neck joins the body. Also close to the soundhole.
Now that I'm at home, with a full keyboard, let me explain a little better. I may well be doing something dumb, maybe there's an obvious flaw in my procedure.
I originally used the SM-57, direct in through XLR. Tries both mic and line selections on the input switch. Level was very low, barely registered on the VU meter, even after turning up the input level. Tried different cables, no help. I did some Googling and someone in a forum somewhere said the preamps on this model aren't very good and recommended the above mentioned preamp. What's really strange to me is that this doesn't seem to help at all. How could the signal not be greater coming out of that preamp.

Is my DP01-FX just broken?

Thanks again.
In my experience, the SM-57 is fine for mic'ing an amp, but not the best choice for the lower volume of an acoustic. I used to mic classical guitars years ago with my Portastudio 424. I had superior results with condenser mic's, in particular with a pair of SM-81's (which I NEVER should have sold.)

Before you write off the DP01-FX, try to borrow or rent a condenser mic and see if that gets the results you are looking for. If you use just one mic, try 12" from the 12th fret. If you can try a pair of condensers, the first as described and the second try 12" to 18" from the sound hole.

Good luck!
Alder Statesman has good points, but before getting into the guitar recording itself, I'd try to verify the signal chain by talking or shouting into the mic. Can you get the SM57 to clip on the Art preamp with the input pot? If not, the Sm57 is broken. If so, there should be more than enough signal level coming into the DPo1FX - did you check both inputs, BTW?
In case the OP checks in, Arjan's suggestion could be of assistance. If after trying that and still having low volume, GC's Deal of the Day is the CAD CM217 mic on sale for $25 bucks. At that price, it is certainly worth a try. I ordered one for the locker. They usually go for $60.
It is a very inexpensive mic that approximates a rather pricey Rode. Looking at the specs it may do a better job on an acoustic than your SM57.

I will try to update next week after I get and give it a try.
Thanks for the suggestion. For $25, I went ahead and bought it, it will probably come in handy anyway, assuming I get this thing working.

I'll let you know how it goes.

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