Loud pops on new 24SD


New Member
Apr 4, 2017
Gear owned
788, DP-24SD
Hi all, new guy here.
I got a new 24-SD as a replacement for my old 788. I imported some WAV tracks, no problem, then overdubbed a bass track. After one or two edits on the track (inserting silence) I started getting a loud (peaking 0+) pop or cracking sound on most (but mysteriously not all) playbacks of the bass track. The pop was not visible on the waveform, but it was clearly and obnoxiously audible and visible on the meter. Then after doing a similiar edit on another track, the same type pop started appearing on that track--but not in the same place where I did the edit.
I am not used to this kind of stuff from Tascam. My 788 has been rock solid for 16 years and literally thousands of hours of use.
Is it worth replacing the SD card? I was using the one that came with it, marked "micro SD Adapter."
I had high hopes for this unit. Hate to have to return it. Thanks for any ideas.
Hello. Reading through some of the older threads on here, it looks like there were known issues with the early firmware that caused pops and clicks when in/out markers were used while recording in one of the 24-bit modes.

It may be worth verifying you have the latest firmware installed first, before trying a different SD card.

Please let us know if you get it sorted out!
Thanks, Twist for your quick reply. Am checking it out.

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