Loss of control port 1, 2 and 3 - DM-4800

Jason King

Active Member
Mar 23, 2013
Gear owned
Tascam dm4800
Everthing is working in the setting up of tascam firewire card - except for the part where i have to add the mackie Hui for Logic and the two mackie extended. Now i know I have to have control port 1, 2, and 3 but these are just not in the options any more. They use to be until I had to reformat my yosemite running mac and install everything again.

I am using Logic X and everything shows up in the audio midi set up. It detected the tascam firewire card and the Tascam dm4800. Logic has detected the tascam firewire card in the audio settings

The sound plays out through the card ok. Its just that I obviously have no fader or transport control. Could anyone suggest what I may have done wrong? Any questions just ask.
And you've added the HUI for Logic profiles in the Remote pages? Highlight the TRA button? I've never had to route things to any specific ports... the DM took care of that on its own.
Hi. Thanks for reply. Yes everything is set up on dm4800. Hui for logic. Transport. If you check this link at the very end, it explains all about the setting up in logic control preferences. I'm totally confused as to how you've got away without having to do this?!?


As stated in previous thread it just seemed to not what to offer the control ports in logic. Why I don't know as it's always done this. Wher in logic 9 or x
I've never set up controls on audio set up. Korg sv1 and aturia labs and stealth pedal (when I use it) just works. It's the faders and transport controls that need to be declared in control preferences in logic x as mackie logic control port 1 and two mackie extenders as 2 and 3 respectively. Using latest beta drivers. And just updated firmware to 172. Everything works, sound etc. everything say for faders. It did work with Yosemite but it may be a logic or slight Yosemite update that has caused the confusion. Control port 1, 2 and 3 has always been there. Very strange.
Yeah, I've done this... I thought you were talking about the MIDI page in the console's OS.

I think the problem may be that your following Sweetwater's instructions, which appear to be outdated. I'm guessing you're not seeing what you expect in Logic's setup page because of a change in terminology: the Remote layer now accesses the DAW through two MIDI ports... you'd normally call them 5 and 6, but in my DAWs MIDI setup, they are called RemotePort1 and RemotePort2. I'm using a 3200, so I'm guessing your device has one more port? Is it just a matter of looking for Control Port instead of Remote Port?

When I open Logic 9 (sorry I haven't upgraded), and go to the Control Surface Setup, I see a Mackie Control and Mackie Extender, assigned to REMOTE Port 1 and 2. Not at the top of the DM3200 list where the so-called CONTROL port is shown, but at the bottom.

Otherwise, I can't guess why Logic is failing to see the USB connection.
Jim you are an absolute star! It all works. I can't thank you enough. There's a lesson learnt. Transport. Faders. Everything. I can record again. Very much appreciated ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

One positive thing. Learning all kinds of things browsing this forum. Which is always a bonus
Ha! It just goes to prove that there is really no such thing as a stupid question. I actually hesitated to post this, and double checked in Logic a couple of times before I finally decided, "you know, the worst I can be is wrong." Turns out my wild guess was right! Glad to be of service.

Hang in with us. The DM OS is deep and wide, but once you'd got it under your belt you will agree that there's never been a better production machine for the coin.
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Well I for one am most crrtanly glad you did! Never be afraid to post something you think is basic. It's a god send to stupid people like me

Yes, I feel really lucky every time I boot the tascam up. But I have a lot to learn. But with help we all get there in the end.

Thanks again for your help, Jim. I'll sleep tonight. Will definitely be checking back..
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