It appears the master file is not being created on DP-24


New Member
Apr 9, 2017
Gear owned
Tascam DP-24
I've been following the proper procedure in creating a master file and I am still not finding it in the music folder. This is my 6th or so song on the DP-24 and I have not had this problem yet. I was using a different SD card that was not on the list of tested cards so I transferred the entire song to a card that has been approved for the dp-24 but it still will not write the master file. I'm wondering if that is the problem, the dp-24 doesn't like the files that came from the other sd card or something like that. I've tried multiple times to re-record the master file and its still not saving a file in the music folder. Maybe I should try exporting the tracks to audio depot and then import them into a new song on a newly formatted card? Anyone else have this issue?
I am also not getting any error messages after it finishes recording the master file. I get the spinning wheel and it seems as though it saves but there is no master in the music folder.
When you say there is no master file, how are you checking this? A computer should show it in the song folder under the music folder. If it really isn't there, then there's something wrong with the mix/master process. If you're assuming it's not there because you're not hearing the file when you press play, then it may be because you are not in mastering mode.
What steps are you following with the 'proper procedure'? Are you doing a mixdown step or a mastering step? It can be a confusing area.
By the way, did you sort out the Clean Out tracks problem in your other post?
Thanks for replying. I was able to fix it. Apparently there was no more room in the song folder for the master file. There was no prompt or message to notify me of it but I used the "delete unused" function and it seemed to free up space in the folder for the master file. It simply wasn't appearing in the folder though after recording in the mixdown stage and after recording in the mastering stage. I always record the mixdown stage and the write over that file with compression from the mastering stage and have always been able to find the file right away. So if this ever happens to anyone else just clear up space in the song folder by using the delete unused function, seems to be the trick. I think I had something like 218 unused files in the folder. And yes I did figure out the clean out tracks problem, thanks Phil.

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