Is it possible to manually edit the files Editable.sys and song.sys ?


New Member
Jun 2, 2021
Gear owned
DP 24 SD - DP 01
Ho recentemente acquistato il DP 24sd e sono molto soddisfatto ! Per molti anni avevo usato il DP 01 , poi ho preferito l'R8 della Zoom , per la praticità nel trasferimento dei file da e per il PC . Anche per la precisione del frame ! 1000 frame per secondo , mentre Tascam ha solo 30 frame per secondo . Certo oggi il DP 24SD è molto più veloce del DP 01 nell'importare ed esportare file e non c'è bisogno di collegarli via USB al PC ma rimangono alcuni dubbi . Perché Tascam cripta l'editing dei file WAW ?
E' possibile modificare manualmente qualche parametro dei file editable.sys e song.sys ? C'è una documentazione sul formato di questi file ? Grazie !

---------- Google translate ------------

I recently bought the DP 24sd and I am very satisfied! For many years I had used the DP 01, then I preferred the R8 from Zoom, for the convenience in transferring files to and from the PC. Even for the accuracy of the frame! 1000 frames per second, while Tascam only has 30 frames per second. Of course today the DP 24SD is much faster than the DP 01 in importing and exporting files and there is no need to connect them via USB to the PC but some doubts remain. Why does Tascam encrypt WAW file editing? Is it possible to manually change some parameters of the editable.sys and song.sys files? Is there any documentation on the format of these files? Thank you !
Welcome to the forum Enzo. I don't have any inside knowledge so I can only speculate.
The wave files on the DP-24/32 are not encrypted. They are industry standard wave files... but a new file is created for each armed track every time you press record. I can only guess that this makes it easier/quicker for the firmware to write to the sd-card. It's probably quite an overhead to append or edit a wave file on-the-fly.
Another advantage is that the machine can keep old takes for undo purposes. If it physically edited the wave files each time, it would be tricky to undo.
The downside is as you've found; the wave files are not easy to decode manually... but that's what the Export function is for ;)
I'm sure you could edit the .sys files to effectively perform an Export function on a computer, but you'd need to reverse engineer the sys file format. I doubt if Tascam would publish this info, although you could always ask them.
Update: If you meant encryption for the DP-01, are you referring to the MTR partition system? If so, again I don't think this is deliberate. The file-system used for MTR partitions is proprietary to Tascam, and I guess it's for performance reasons. Maybe the standard FAT system is not very efficient when writing and reading audio files. The old EMU samplers also had a proprietary file system which wasn't readable by PCs, and I believe it was for the same reasons of performance.
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What better welcome and thank you for your truly comprehensive answer. I have a thousand things to ask you but first I will have to read all your articles. The art of music recording is fascinating, today, in the digital age, everything is easier but before ... it was something truly magical. Who knows how many stories you will have to tell, I hope you have written a book! Thanks again and see you soon!

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