IF-FW/DMMKII beta drivers for DM3200/DM4800

I'm a past user of Yamaha product as well. But I'm not very familiar with i-88. Were those interfaces driven by ASIO drivers? Or were they mLan? If ASIO, you won't be able to utilize it with the DM firewire card. Only one ASIO driver can be accessed at a time (Mac 'aggregate, technique notwithstanding - something I know nothing about).

I'm going to go against the grain here - and bear in mind - this is just my personal opinion. To me a computer in a recording studio is just a tape machine; it runs a DAW for purposes of tracking and playback while offering an array of helpful editing and MIDI features. Once that box is set up in my studio, adjusted, and tweaked, it's just like an MCI 32 track recorder on steroids. If it works, I don't fix it.
I just maintain and use it.

Mikro$oft and Apple will ALWAYS introduce something newer, bigger, faster, more powerful, more expensive, and requiring additional investment because of obsoleted apps. It never ends. This is one of the reasons I chose a DM *hybrid* mixer in the first place: I don't care too much about what new thing is around the corner. If upgrading PC/DAW becomes untenable, I'll throw the entire DAW in the trash and go with something else. Chances are the DM will still be there - either working with a hardware device, or - who knows - maybe controlling something yet to be conceived.

I don't work for Apple, Mikro$oft, Intel, Avid, Steinberg, or even Tascam. But their products work for ME or they're dismissed from my environment. I'm a bit of a rebel; I don't like companies making decisions for me. If they did, I'd be depressed and broke. Instead, I'm happy with a few shekels in the bank. :)


Hi Capt

The Yamaha i88X was part of the failed mLan experiment. The 01X and i88X's could be joined up to give you 24ins. I tried this system prior to my DM4800 and it was a disaster as Yamaha stopped supporting their drivers and left many people with expensive hardware they could no longer use. (There is plenty of info about this online so little point in wasting time discussing it here) My Tascam on the other hand has given me years of hassle free recording allowing me to do what i do best and why i purchased it in the first place, ie create music.

Re Your rant I can't disagree with a single word of it, in fact I 100 percent agree with all of it. The best music ever written was produced from a lot less technology that many musicians now have in their own homes so the constant upgrade is a fools game really. I suppose my comment re the drivers came about because of bad memories re Yamaha, the reason i moved over to Tascam in the first place.

My error message on the Tascam worried me because unlike so many other options out there it had given me years of trouble free recording. Its years old but the last thing i want to do is update it.

So theres my rant lol

All The Best

Hey John,

Just to be clear, I wasn't ranting at you or anybody else. I was just letting off some steam because I've been doing some wiring/install in my studio, and being all balled up on the floor dressing wire behind the console got me cranky. :)

There's guy on another forum (Yamaha, specifically) who apparently knows a lot about i88x's and mLan. If you send me a PM, I can pass that along to him, with any questions you might have. I'm brain dead on that format, but if that would help just let me know.

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Sorry, but I don't see how avoiding a future OS is a solution. True, 10.10 is not yet released and is not ready for prime time, but it is coming and it will be released. And after it is released, all new Mac's will ship with it.
My point was more in line with Capt Dan's standpoint, that if something ain't broke, don't fix it. My Windows 7 rig with the DM is rock solid, so I have no reason to update to 8.1.

I do agree that Tascam will need to get their drivers up to date to current hardware, but for today's users there's no reason to run after the Apple money machine. Or any money machine.
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Hi dan

Sorry to describe ur comment as a 'rant' the downside to text is that comments can often be misunderstood. A facial expression makes a big difference when one is making a comment lol. I stand by my comments and 100 percent agree with you dan. I didn't see your comments as 'cranky' in any way but I felt that they made a lot of sense. I am not into the upgrade game either. Just wanna keep my tascsm running as long as possible. It is the heart of my studio set up and it has always proved reliable.

My comments re using my old Yamaha interfaces was not overly serious. I am sure one could use the balanced outs to connect to a if an card to give more inputs if they were needed but with 24 ins in my board I don't really need any more. The most I ever record at once is a drum kit using 10 mics. The dm is more than adequate for this. Anyhow good luck with the wiring. It's a while since I've had to do this. My studio is fairly much set up for the last few years give it take software upgrades thank god

All the best

I got W7 x64, 10.8.5, 10.9.3 & 10.9.4 to choose from to do any serious audio work with. 10.10 is a test and play vehicle for me as well as getting paid to debug audio software and hardware in it. I'm just noting Tascam IFFW driver issues as I find them as they are along for the free ride since I often use the DM-4800 in my testing and debug work.
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Things break in betas all the time, especially the kinds of features that are dependent on hardware only available in some Macs.
Apple has not said anything about CoreAudio drivers needing changes in 10.10 - the developer conference "What's new in Core Audio" video has nothing on drivers.
On the app side, there's the inter-app audio pipeline and new notifications for audio processing (due to phone audio automatically being routed into the desktop) that apps will need to cope with.
So, business as usual, we can't really trust Apple betas, and have to tell users not to install them. None of 10.9.0, 10.9.1, 10.9.2 or 10.9.3 was good for audio for all macs. It's only at 10.9.4 that the bugs have been squashed. I hear that studios who were waiting for 10.9 to be stable are punting and plan to go from 10.8 directly to 10.10 on hew hardware only.
Actually, I was at the Apple conference and they did mention many changes to CoreAudio. Granted, much of it was in regards to Gaming and 3D audio. Apple has sent to many developers an outline on new 10.10 driver requirements. I won't post it all in this thread, but he is a blurb I have seen:

"In regards to hardware, I point out that IOAudioFamily is deprecated in OS X Yosemite. As you are creating any new or updated device drivers, you should be migrating (or have already migrated) to User-Space drivers. There is not a lot of documentation right now, but there is sample code which should be helpful"
Appears the Beta Driver FTP site is inaccessible
Sorry, down for the weekend. Construction work going on at the office, all power off.

Sorry, down for the weekend. Construction work going on at the office, all power off.

Phew first I thought it might be my browser settings
I have what I think is some bad news to share on the driver development story...

The public beta of Mac OS X 10.10 does not recognize the beta drivers for the IF/FW-DMmkII. I tried f3, f4 and f6 for Mac, and got no drive detected with all three.

I'm dropping back to 10.9.4, which worked fine. I am assuming this will mean another six months to a year of beta testing for the Tascam drivers.
With OS X 10.10 being a beta release, I think it's a bit early to despair on the Tascam front..
This is an open, public beta. The release candidate. It breaks the driver. That's not too soon to assume that the release version will, too, which is a long way from "despair."

I'm hoping for easy fix for Tascam, but I'm not holding my breath. I can hang at 10.9.4, but I was hoping for a seamless transition to 10.10, if only because it's so pretty to look at.
Note that things were working with the limiteds testing I was doing with the DM driver in the previous 10.10 Beta seeds and found that it broke in 10.10 Seed 4. The public 10.10 Beta is a slightly scaled down version of Seed 4.
Hi guys. New kid on the block. Running OS X 10.9.4 - trying to setup for my Tascam US 144mkII. I downloaded the new drivers and firmware from Tascam -input - no output. The site on this forum isn't loading. Where else can I find the drivers. Any help is appreciated. Thanx in advance...
Site's up now...try again..

Note the new DM Firmware BETA that addresses cascade issues!
Thanx RedBus. You guys are the greatest! Works like a dream! Kudos and when you're in Stuttgart, Germany - I'll buy the beers 0(^_^)0

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