IF-FW/DMmkII and Monterey OS Compatibility


New Member
Jul 11, 2022
Gear owned
Tascam Model 24
Has any got a driver or beta driver that would allow me to link a DM4800 running a IF-FW/DMmkII card to my MacBook Pro running Monterey 12.3.1?

I'm very much so interested in purchasing a DM4800 (second hand), and this is the only thing holding me back! If there's any other way to connect the two, I'm also all ears!

FireWire Driver for mac is available on the Tascam Website. Look in Support-Discontinued.
Where did you copy the kext from ManoucheTunes? The latest Mac driver I see is the same one that I have that’s incompatible.
Hi! I'm new here.

Can confirm, that if-fw-dmmkii works with OS Monterrey on intel.
Installed the "latest" available driver, plugged via thunderbolt to USB-C adapter - voilà!


Hi Manouche!

No, all I did was install the driver, it's a 2017 intel MacBook Pro, did a reboot
Plugged the DM3200 in via thunderbolt to USB-C adapter.

Here are the pictures in case someone uses ableton live:
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I can confirm my DM4800 works successfully on Monterey.

I have Hackintosh on intel machine (cannot say anything for M1/2 though)
I have regular firewire card on PCI and OS found the IFFW2 card immediately, but it did not show it in the Sound menu (System configuration)

I copied IFFWDMmkII.kext from my older machine to \Library\Extensions
Important: You have to repair permissions and load kext with Kext utility otherwise it will not work. Just load the software and it will do everything automatically. Reboot.
It should work also over FW/TB2 and TB2/TB3 adapters (didn't try as I don't have them).

For Ventura users: There is some hope (though FW is not supported any more by Apple) - this guy made FW driver and some people report some of their FW devices work, but haven't seen anyone yet to confirm DM3200 or DM4800 works in Ventura or Sonoma.
I don't have any intentions to move from Monterey for some years to come. Then I will decide what to do. Don't plan to give away my precious mixer for a very long time :)
Good luck!
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