I have my Tascam model 24 ....questions and comments

Hi all,

i have a quick question. what is the best way to directly record multiple tracks simultaneously tascam 24 and how?

thank you
@emir biter Hi, I'd suggest something like this :

- Turn on the Model 24
- Plug mics in the XLR inputs
- Set the MODE toggle at LIVE for each tracks
- Activate the meter screen by pressing the left button under the screen (METR)
- Turn up the GAIN buttons of each tracks while talking/playing in your mics until the levels on the meter reach at least the dotted line (without reaching the top of the screen)
- Insert an SD card
- Format the SD card via the MENU button (MENU => SYSTEM => MEDIA FORMAT => QUICK)
- Create a new song in 48khz/24 bits (MENU => SONG => NEW)
- Arm the tracks with REC buttons
- Press the global REC button (the one with a circle) to start recording on the SD card
I was able to connect to PT10 and have the pre-recorded stuff play through the model 24 yay! BUT how do I record midi into PT10 with my midi controller through the model 24? I don't believe there are midi connections on this unit. So I need to keep my old interface connected to record midi?

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