How to set song name to current date


New Member
Jan 23, 2025
Gear owned
Tascam DP 24 SD
There are hints about setting the new song name to "yyyy-mm-dd_" format using "date codes". However, I have been unable to locate these codes. I have tried replacing the default "SONG _" with "{yyyy-mm-dd}_" but there is insufficient space for this. Can anyone point me in the right direction for doing this with these days codes?
Welcome to the forum. You didn't specify the machine, but if it's a DP-24/32, the song name format is set in Menu, Preferences. It's in the manual under: Various Other Functions, Setting the song name format. The auto-naming only occurs when you first create the song. I'm not sure where you saw the term 'date codes'; I'm unaware of a way of altering the actual date format.
NTBAD, but a very simple solution is to keep the current date of a project (and update every time you work on it) on the project's track sheet. That's paper and a pen, which needs no explanation. My “active” projects are in a stack in a folder, and each time a project is worked on, its' track sheet is moved to the top of the stack.
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My bad - I am a newbie on this forum as well as with my mixer. I didn't specify my hardware - it's a DP 24 SD. I did find the song type name under preferences, but could not find how to change from a literal WORD to a dynamic current DATE format. From a YouTube video series by Phil Tipping, it seemed that the he had somehow made the newly created song prefix be the current date in year-month-day format followed by the incremental 000x.

I will have to investigate the Project piece of the software which is probably somewhere further on in his 26 video series called "Tascam DP 24 SD/32SD Portastudio Tutorial". I have, as you suggested, been tediously writing everything down on a simple paper form I created.

Thank you for your helpful replies.


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No worries, we were all beginners at one time or other :)
The song name type is as straighforward as selecting the item in the list, then adjusting the value between the two options, either date or word. Not sute if your question is really about how to select/adjust items in general, in which case there are several ways, usually involving the cursor buttons and/or the jog wheel. To confirm an operation, you sometimes have to press a function button, eg F4, but the screen prompts should indicate this.
Hi Phil - I see that you are the creator of the tutorial I am referencing. Sorry I didn't realize that before. Very excellent and detailed video series!

I have been able to change the default song prefix in preferences from "SONG_" to "DATE_" for example. Then a newly created song has the name of "DATE_0001" instead of "SONG_0001". But it does seem that the user manual from which the attached image was taken indicates that the WORD may be replaced with the DATE which would, in the example given in the attached image, make the song name "201207100031" instead of "SONG0031”. Perhaps I'm overthinking this in which case, please accept my thanks for your helpful replies.
Thank you for the kind words. I think you've missed the point with the date setting. It sounds like you are just changing the fixed text prefix to the word 'date', instead of changing the setting value to date. Once you see how it's done, it will be obvious, trust me :)
I finally asked my son to look at it with me and he immediately figured it out! Dummy me.

I had been trying everything I could think of using the 4 arrow buttons. Instead, a simple turn of the rotating knob switched between WORD and DATE. It was indeed obvious. Thank you for your patience and pardon my thick-headedness.
No problem, glad you stuck with it instead of giving up, and thanks for the follow up; I'm sure you're not the only one who got caught out.
As with a lot of computerised gear nowadays, you have to get into the mind-set and terminology of the user-interface designers. What's 'obvious' to them is not necessarily obvious to everyone else.

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