How to move recorded mono track to another mono track?


New Member
Aug 22, 2021
Is there a way to move my recorded guitar from the instrument input 2 to a regular mono input, so that I can record a new one on 2?
I only see info about that you can bounce tracks into a stereo track..

Thank you!
On the Model 12,I think it's MTR > TRACK EDIT > SWAP
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Move an already recorded track, I do not know.

But if you alternatively can record to a new channel/track with no INSTrument input, there is an analog alternative:

Take a mono (!) jack cable, plug one end into channel 2's INSERT plug, the other end into the LINE input plug of your destination channel. Set GAIN knob of destination channel to 12 o'clock position. Make sure not to record on channel 2, but on the destination channel.

It is normal that channel 2 live input behaves like dead in this setup.

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