How to get MIDI ports working on DM-3200 FW card?

USB/MIDI is a strange beast; by some miracle of science it works most of the time. But then, inexplicably, it doesn't. Is it a conflict? A software or hardware 'mistake?' Hard to say. But often, just unplugging and re-plugging the USB I/O 'awakens' the slumbering operator and he lowers the 'drawbridge.'

PS: Re: DM/FW and the DM Midi Menu.....I think the earlier MKI DM firewire card (24 channel) appeared in the original DM firmware's MIDI screens. The subsequent MKII (which we all use)...not so much. Perhaps some of the manuals were never updated.

That's all I got.

Great. So I came here looking for an answer and all I see is it "magically works"...

So I'm stuck. I'm a long time happy user but My issue is that now my MIDI communication "magically stopped". DM3200 w/ Windows 764. Worked great with latest drivers with MIDI going through the firewire communication. Sonar machine control, and audio fine.
I made one change. I upgraded to Intel I7 and an ASUS mob. Now audio only. No Midi.
Cleared all the ghost drivers and reinstalled everything. Same. Audio is fine but no TM Companion nor Midi.
So I thought I'd try the midi ports. Got a USB to MIDI cable and have tried both the ports on the FW card, and the mixer ports. No midi on either.
I've tested the midi with a keyboard and the channel into pc works. All the other midi ports work in the PC too.
So I came here for an answer on the midi ports. Which ones are active on the DM? The FW ones or the main system ones? Is there a conflict on the DM with both these midi ports and I have to configure on the DM somehow? How do I know which port is the right one?
In order to trouble shoot the PC.. which is probably the issue, I need to know the midi is working on the midi ports. Any tips on how to configure and test positive the DM ports? (which is what this thread should be about....)

If you want your MIDI devices to control VST instruments within your DAW, you should be using the MIDI IN port on your FW card. Remember that in your DAW the VST track should point to the IF/FW MKII port. The MIDI out ports from the DM is used strictly for MTC and External Controls.
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Hi and Thank you for your response. I've followed your replies in the past and they have been helpful!
Doing DM automation between DM and Sonar is my goal on the MIDI issue. You point to a great thread for this. I've had this working perfectly in the past! Now, I am back to step one.

"1. Make sure all hardware and software is operational, USB cable from the 3200 to the PC is installed and of good quality. A USB cable from Dollar Tree is not a good thing to use here."

I take it from your answer that I should ONLY be using the midi ports on the FW card correct? When, or why, would I use the on-board midi ports on the mixer?

Thanks again.. Will keep everyone posted on my steps toward success...
Unless there is some fundamental difference in MIDI operations between the DM4800 that I use, and the DM3200 in question here, the on-board MIDI ports can indeed be used for VST Instrument control, as well as those on the Fire wire card. I use MIDI port 2 with Control Change and Others ticked in the filter box and the USB 2 switch on in MIDI Setup. Been doing that for seven years now.
Also using the IF/FW MKII ports for my Steinberg Houston controller in conjunction with MIDI ports 5, 6, and 7 for Mackie Control emulation into Nuendo simultaneously.
Another aside that may or may not apply, Nuendo has an active switch in its MIDI Port setup under devices that has to be on in order for keyboard controller info to be passed to a MIDI track, perhaps Sonar has something similar.
One last thing, TM Companion does not have to be open in order for MIDI to be transmitted.
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Did not know that onboard MIDI IN could be used for VST control. Thanks for correcting me!
Not a problem, and if I haven't said so previously, I have taken silent advantage of your knowledge respecting these consoles on many occasions. Saved me a lot of grief while going through the learning curve. Not forgetting, of course, all of the other contributors here that have so freely shared their experience. It is very much appreciated.
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First, Thanks to both of you for helping. This is a brain buster.
Second, I want to be clear that I am not even at the Sonar for machine control stage yet. I too plan to use channel 5 & 6 with Mackie control.. but I'm not at that stage yet.

I am using TM Companion as my base check for proper midi communication between my PC and DM. I learned a long time ago that if TMC is not working, the Sonar MC with Mackie wont either. Audio is working fine through the FW... MIDI is NOT.

I went back to an old Win 7 Laptop and duplicated my issue. Same problem. Audio ok with FW but no MIDI. Tried all the ports on the DM, and the USB ports on the laptop. No TMC communication.

So a basic question...There are two MIDI ports on the DM. One on the FW Card and one on the console itself.
I thought maybe one of you may know which port to use for my TM Companion check. If I know for sure what connectivity to use, I can then start working up from there on the drivers, and console configurations. Then move on.

Any help would be greatly appreciated by all..
Okay, let's get down to basics:
First off, make sure you are running the most up-to-date TMC software for Windows, which is Version 1.51
Next, understand that TMC only communicates with the DM via USB MIDI channel 1, for all of TMC's functionality. You don't have to do anything special to set up that communication, it is always on.
Couple of notes: I have found that it is best to start TMC prior to starting your DAW, as I have found it will often not start after the fact.
Also, if it will not start for you, go into device manager and update the driver, choosing to Browse my computer for driver software, then on the following menu, choose Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer, and finally selecting the USB Audio Device model that should be visible if the TMC software is properly installed. Click Next and you should be ready to go. Trust me, this should work, so take it step by step.
Now, you should also understand that the IF/FW MKII MIDI ports have nothing to do with TMC. It has its own drivers and operates independently.

Now on to the DM MIDI ports, which utilize the same USB interface as TMC, but on separate channels, so make sure that you get into the MIDI Setup menu on the DM3200 via ALT/MIDI, and set up the configuration you want. I've included a screen shot of mine that should work for you. I have a MIDI keyboard controller going in and thru, supplying Nuendo on my main system with MIDIIn2(Tascam DM-4800), and the MIDI Thru feeding my secondary Cubase System. If you copy this setup exactly, you should be good to go.MIDI Setup.png
I will try your suggestions. I feel very stupid as I've had this working in the past for years. My only recent change was a new motherboard and processor. So I plan to track what's happening here because as all you other DMer's update to new processors and motherboards you may running into this issue.
One quick core question.
"Next, understand that TMC only communicates with the DM via USB MIDI channel 1, for all of TMC's functionality. You don't have to do anything special to set up that communication, it is always on."

Obviously there's no USB on the DM console. So this refers to TMC communication going out of the console via the FireWire , correct?

From this core fact I can work to troubleshoot the driver issue on the computer.

Thanks again I'll let you know soon ..
There is most definitely a USB port on the Dm3200. The cable necessary is known as a USB A/B, the same type utilized by USB printers. One end is the typical USB female, and the one that plugs into the DM3200 is square with one rounded side located on the back to the right of where the power plugs into the console. This is the only way that the console itself communicates MIDI to your PC, and I am guessing at the root of your problem if it isn't present.
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Just to be clear, the FIREWIRE interface on the IF/FW MKII does not communicate with TMC at all.
Solved. As I suspected it was nothing to do with the DM or FW ports. The issue was with the USB 3.0 on the ASUS motherboard. There are only 3.0 and 3.1 midi ports on this mobo.

There is a setting in the BIOS for the XHCI or extensible host controller interface. Once "enabled" this setting worked. I reloaded the USB drivers for the board (USB Hub etc). It fired up fine for TMC. Thanks to everyone in keeping me focused only on the USB port and not the midi ports.

Current working setup:
Win 7 64 now with a new I7
IF/FW MKII for Audio
Firewire 400 card w/ TI chip set and TI driver
Sonar Platinum for DAW (asio drivers)
Full Automation for 16 Channels from Sonar to DM
Tons of crap plugged into the DM3200

All Works Great!

Many Thanks for the responses and glad to see the DM 3200/48000 going so strong. I've looked and looked at modern gear and it still has nothing to compare to the DM setup!
So this had to do with USB to DM connectivity? I thought you were saying you didn't have MIDI control of VST instruments not USB connectivity to your DM which provides MTC to your DAW via USB port 3. What doesn't make sense is that your original email stated that "Sonar machine control, and audio is fine" which implied fader control in the Remote Layer was working which requires USB connectivity between the DM and the PC. Anyway glad you got your setup working and with new hardware as well.
Sorry for confusion... the Sonar machine control and audio "used" to be fine. Upgrading to the new CPU, and mobo broke it all. So I was back to square one. I've been there before and normally not a problem. Especially with your great Win 10 sticky and other posts.
I thought I could get machine control back using one of the MIDI ports, but I see now that is not supported.
Thanks again though for help. Hoping I can return the favor someday!
I know this is an old thread. Just wanted to thank everyone for this! I thought I’d never be able to have midi working, and controllable, with my DM 4800.
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