In Memoriam
USB/MIDI is a strange beast; by some miracle of science it works most of the time. But then, inexplicably, it doesn't. Is it a conflict? A software or hardware 'mistake?' Hard to say. But often, just unplugging and re-plugging the USB I/O 'awakens' the slumbering operator and he lowers the 'drawbridge.'
PS: Re: DM/FW and the DM Midi Menu.....I think the earlier MKI DM firewire card (24 channel) appeared in the original DM firmware's MIDI screens. The subsequent MKII (which we all use)...not so much. Perhaps some of the manuals were never updated.
That's all I got.

PS: Re: DM/FW and the DM Midi Menu.....I think the earlier MKI DM firewire card (24 channel) appeared in the original DM firmware's MIDI screens. The subsequent MKII (which we all use)...not so much. Perhaps some of the manuals were never updated.
That's all I got.
