High Quality Headphones


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2019
England UK
Gear owned
Hi. I thought I would ask for some advice in buying some good quality wired headphones for recording. In the past I have usually gone with the £40.00 to £60.00 price range and I think I need to upgrade and go for a better pair. Any advice or thoughts on this. Thanks for any replies on this.
When this question is asked - I typically see other more experienced people than myself ask: are you wanting them for recording: monitoring while you track? Or are you looking for something to use for mixing/polishing?

What I use - for tracking, not mixing - are the extremely popular and common Sony MDR-7506. They're rugged, sound great (to my ears), and affordable.
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There's a very detailed discussion of professional grade headphone selection and use in the "Production Tips" sticky of the "2488 and DP-24/32" forum. You can find the specific post in the index to that sticky.

If after reading the Production Tips post, you have question(s) about a specific headphone you have an interest in (either those mentioned in the sticky post, or any other), come back to this thread and I'll address it if I can.

But as this is a general topic not specific to the portastudios, you may want to ask the moderators to move it to the Recording 101 forum so you'll get a broader range of exposure and feedback.

FYI, I second David's recommendation of the 7506 for tracking.
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Thanks David and Mark for your input. I did see some posts on the difference between tracking and mixing headphones after I posted this, I also looked into the stickies on this forum about it,
a lot of info in that section. I think I will go with your suggestion with the Sony MDR 7506 for tracking. I do prefer to do the mixing over a monitor system. Thank you for your help with this.

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