Help needed; DM3200 no sound on output

Amsterdam; nice for visiting some days, not for living there (for me) been there, done that ;-)

Yes! we're getting closer.......... ;-)
Tho; guess what: today everything worked normally again!
So I also have the idea that it must be something mechanical
That's why I've been trying laying on of hands at wire connections ;-)
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That metaphysical (metalphysical?) stuff works. Most important is not to mess w it until it feels right to even attempt repair. Machines do have moods. I’m so glad u r up n running for the moment anyway!

and if you live in the Dutch countryside, you are a very fortunate person indeed. Enjoy making music in such a place!

Me? NYC, USA ! Good luck with the board. I moved off firewire almost immediately because I couldn’t use the firewire daw and plugins as inserts as I wanted without disrupting the rhythm of my stacked delays because of latency. I still use Intel macs on High Sierra for the daw and TMcompanion on the board but when I move to silicon I will maintain the Intel macs. I have a good fast Intel Mac running Ventura ad well. I do this both for ensuring minimal latency and for cost, i prefer multiple cheaper old used macs than one big central expensive obsolescence machine.
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Haha! metalphysical ;-) indeed!

Used to live in the Dutch countryside as well, but 2 years ago I moved to Portugal!
The weather is lots better and I like to think that overhere the government is stil there for the people, instead of the people being there for the government ;-)

You have a good point also about Intel Macs (I'm on Mojave on a dual Mac Pro 2009, upgraded to 5.1 with PCI cards/SSD's fastest chips etc. this serviced me well trough all these years and still do) (today) haha.....

But to modernise is tempting: imagine a system that works well all the time with the newest Plugins/OSX/latency and possibility's of latest mixers etc. ;-)
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A dear friend lives in Porto. More Dutch/Portuguese fusion envy from this American urbanite! I do love my city.

You can do both - keep the “ceiling” tech for the mixer, and make the mac daw change to silicon now or anytime u actually fall in love w a mixer… for me the body stuff around how I record and how easy it is to hear consistent excellent sonic quality Inc automation etc meant keeping this board until an affordable board comes along that meets my needs for minimal screen staring and mouse/keyboard use.

I much prefer to automate fades w the board, and then trim them in the DAW if I can’t make the edit I want work w a good 2nd pass. It’s not habit, it’s more fun to me to automate a mix w other people using our hands and ears. And then argue about it thru our lawyers. :D
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I use AES not Firewire - so I only get 8ch per slot, not 32ch as w the firewire - reducing total input/outputs available. However, it’s light years beyond firewire in terms of latency - musical enough to use lots of aes and tdif to mac interface choices w a daw for plugs, summing, metering and mastering etc. Same w adat, w limitations at 96k.
And I envy you, by understanding all English abbreviations and technical stuff; would come in handy if I could look over your shoulder one day and see how you do things ;-)
My client for who I restore an old Lancia lives in SF; that's on the road Haha.....

At least I could finish some tracks today; the automation I also do it on the DM and eventually fine tune it in Cubase (11Pro; at the moment I can't go to 12, since I'm limited to Mojave) (12 works also on Mojave but has it's restrictions. I could go to a higher OSX, but I rather don't fix things when the're not broken) ;-)
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If you have questions about language used in TASCAM manuals in particular, you are certainly welcome to ask them here on the forums! For TASCAM stuff it’s usually English, Japanese and Spanish sometimes. Since we likely have access to the same documents, u can even be specific about screen content, words used by document and page number.

I am sorry I don’t know much more than coffeeshop and kannalmarkt Dutch!
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Yhanks again ;-)
Those Dutch words are sufficient in Amsterdam ;-)
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My pleasure to help! You are very welcome.

:DPerhaps I have an unfair advantage when approaching the Dutch and your capital city’s culture - after all, I come from New Amsterdam :D

Btw a thought - if your outputs go quiet again, don’t forget to test the digital outputs as well
Haha! we even could be related ;-)

Yesterday the DM started normally :-) Today it refused to give outputs again :-(
But after switching between projects on the CF card (which are all kinda about the same) and switching on/off the DM and computer it worked again......

As far as I can see (hear) the digital outputs don't give a signal as well, tho I don't want to mess around too much with my settings

I know from my car-restorers background that when faults occur only sometimes, but not always; these are the hardest to localize.....
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True indeed! Ultimately we are all related, it’s just a question of how far back :D

yup. The intermittent and switching projects stuff suggests something logical, rather than mechanical. What happens when u just start a blank new project from a template?

might want to see if you can locate a 4800 main pcb and the pcb for the outputs and price the whole proposition out for further self repair vs shipping that sucker + having them fix it vs choosing a new mixer.

good news is, all the new stuff is directly compatible with networked audio like AVB, Dante etc so if you are moving from Firewire and an old Mac to a new desk, you don’t have to consider massive changes in your hardware i/o.

With my x-48 and DM mixers I’ve got an AES-EBU and TDIF based approach, mostly - so I use MOTU 112d units - they have 16x16 8-channel streams of AVB i/o, 3 AES-EBU 8-channel i/o, 3 ADAT streams, 64x64 MADI and lots of Thunderbolt i/o to and from the DAW (I rarely need more than 64ch). This means I get the same channel count on my board at 96k that I get st 48k, w the exception of the DM-4800’s internal adat i/o, which drops from 8x8 to 4x4 at 96k.

lots of folks have preferences about their platform and it’s hard to know what the machines are really like until u commit to one, so as we know, gotta do your research, talk to sellers and colleagues who use them, maybe even find studios with them and ask to see or book a little time. I get a little deeper into stuff, especially when I’m able to really focus… By the time I decided on grabbing a used Dm-4800 I had a stack of studio design sketches a foot high :D

I am fond of how my DM lets me work and I don’t want a more computerish workflow at the moment.
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