Hello everyone!


New Member
Jul 17, 2024
Gear owned
Hello everyone! I join the DP-24SD fan club. I like to get the most out of my electronic devices and what I have found on this forum is a hidden treasure. I want to thank you for such valuable information.

I love that it doesn't have MIDI inputs, that it can't be used in a DAW... For some it has been a step back, for me it has been a blessing. What do you think?

A cordial greeting to all! Thank you! Thank you...
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Welcome to the show!
Just as a suggestion: pretty much ALL members here, worldwide, use English. You may want to consider using something like google translate to write out your posts, then translate to English.

ANYway: congrats on your DP-24. It's a fine piece of gear! I have the DP-32 myself; although it's the older one, when they still included MIDI.
I also do not use DAW's (maybe once a year??), and I never used MIDI until I had this unit. I got along fine without it.
I still don't use it for the things MIDI is famous for (automation of various functions, etc) - I almost exclusively use it to time-align various devices, drum-machines in particular.
So while it's not of use to everyone in every situation...it's certainly proved useful.

As a suggestion: be sure to read the pinned posts - "stickies" - at the top of the list of posts for the DP-24/32 area. They are FULL of invaluable information, and will answer a great many of your questions.
Also note that MANY users have come before you and sought solutions to problems - and gotten answers - so familiarize yourself with the "search" function.
Last but not least: there's a member here with an extraordinary amount of experience with the DP's who has made many very informative y/tube videos on the topic - AND offers a "user's guide" that is VASTLY superior to the Tascam owner's manual. Worth every nickel. Look him up: @Phil Tipping .

Have fun!
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Oh no! I didn't understand your suggestion... And now I realize that I published in Spanish! The automatic translator confused me, it was a mistake, I'm sorry.
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The automatic translator confused me
"Better Living Through Technology"...🙄

In any case - welcome to the show. We're (mostly) happy to help you along with your DP efforts!:cool:
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Adding a more extensive explanation of my impressions of the DP-24SD.

First of all, I would like to quote the words of Mr. -mjk- (whom I take this opportunity to greet and apologize if I don't use the exact expression) "It doesn't matter what equipment you have, it matters how you use it." Well, I would be the best example located in the lower echelon, because for years my recording equipment has been nothing more than Cubase 5, U-phoria UM2 and a USB MIDI controller. The problem (or perhaps the advantage) is that since my first recording I have always been very satisfied with the results. The intuitive control with the infinite settings of the plugins impressed me from the first moment and have been more than sufficient for my purposes: Capture ideas, compose songs and evolve as a musician.

It wasn't until now that I finally had the opportunity to record my own rhythms with my acoustic drums, but with the need for more audio inputs to be able to record it. Then I discovered the 24-SD and got one of them.

I will never deny the practicality of MIDI, but if for the moment I am not going to follow Phill's fantastic old-school Midi Sync video, then I have no choice but to try to be more creative to achieve similar results in some way, which I don't think it's anything bad. I'm also experimenting with recording without a metronome, why don't we use a metronome to have a conversation or tell a story, right? Well, right now my mentality is far from needing a midi sync, but I understand how vital it can be on other occasions.

The most notable aspect for me about the 24-SD is that it does not require a DAW, although I have already tried connecting from the Stereo out to the inputs of an SSL2 card to add the 4K option to some of my tracks and I had the feeling of be working with the DAW despite using the DP as a recorder. I didn't try to manually synchronize the tempo of the recorder with the tempo of the DAW, I suppose it is possible that they are not the same despite having the same BPM, I don't know, I'm not an expert on the subject... But what What really marked a before and after in my rehearsal sessions is not depending on a PC. I am still working and adapting to the DP-24 so that my workflow is fast, that is to say "Being able to capture moments of inspiration without distractions" It is its best advantage.

Before I would get lost for hours among so many editing options and plugins. During breaks, long YouTube playlists...

Now I get a much more realistic result almost instantly, and during the breaks... Well, I don't think I have breaks now! I even turn off my cell phone so that nothing distracts me... These are hours of 100% musical creation!
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Como sugerencia: asegúrese de leer las publicaciones fijadas en la parte superior de la lista de publicaciones del área DP-24/32 . Están llenas de información valiosa y responderán a muchas de sus preguntas.
Tenga en cuenta también que MUCHOS usuarios han venido antes que usted a buscar soluciones a problemas y han obtenido respuestas, así que familiarícese con la función de "búsqueda".
Por último, pero no por ello menos importante: hay un miembro aquí con una extraordinaria cantidad de experiencia con los DP que ha hecho muchos videos de YouTube muy informativos sobre el tema, y que además ofrece una "guía del usuario" que es MUCHO mejor que el manual del propietario de Tascam. Vale cada centavo. Búscalo: @Phil Tipping.
Respecto a tu segunda sugerencia, por el momento mis dudas presentes y probablemente futuras han quedado cubiertas con la inestimable información de este foro. Tengo a mano todos los vídeos de Phill y he recopilado más de 20 páginas de notas resumidas con la información aportada por los grandes expertos que he descubierto aquí.

Shredd muchas gracias por responder, un cordial saludo!
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At some point I had doubts that the DP-24SD would not be enough for me... How foolish! Lord, forgive me! :X3:
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I had doubts that the DP-24SD would not be enough for me
Welcome to the world of "G.A.S.", or Gear Acquisition Syndrome. It's an appalling affliction that makes a musician endlessly pine for more gear. At one point in life I owned TWENTY-THREE guitars. At ONE time. Nowadays, I have a small stable of fine instruments (and am able to resist acquiring others I continue to pine for)...but now my affliction is for studio gear. Sigh...:rolleyes:

I used the excellent Tascam 2488 series for manymany years; now I have an "old guard" DP-32. One of my absolute favorite things about it is the ability to convert the stereo tracks (from track #9 up) to mono tracks. This has created great versatility in my projects!:cool:

Considering what you've been using, the DP will be a marvelous expansion of what your gear is able to do for you, and enable you to do.
Be sure to read the "stickies" (pinned posts) at the top of the DP category; go to youtube and search "phil tipping tascam"; and consider his "User's Guide", which will cost a few UK pounds, but is well worth it - it's far more helpful and user-friendly than the Tascam OM (Owner's Manual)!
I know the syndrome... I had GAS from effects pedals, day and night for over two years. The studio gear seems just as dangerous, luckily I already have those impulses under control...

Interesting, what do you get when you convert your stereo tracks to mono?
I never got too overboard with pedals, though I'd surely like to have the pile of cash I've spent on them over the last 40+ years!
The one that REALLY keeps me up at night: in the 80's, I owned a MINT-condition 1978 ES-355ESTD. Bought it for US$450, and like an idiot, sold it about 4 years later - for US$700, because “I needed the money”.:rolleyes:
If you research it now: a mint-condition ES-355 can command prices in the US$20,000-30,000 range. I wake up in cold sweats, thinking about that!

ANYway: the ability to change a stereo channel to mono doesn't exactly "get" you anything...other than perhaps containing the file-size of any given track (when it's not necessary to record it in stereo, which is pretty common).
The thing I love about it is the ability to decide - and arrange my project/s as I see fit - I typically have 4 or even fewer stereo tracks on a project, usually drums (and sometimes elaborately compiled background vocals).
AND I keep the total project file-size minimized, in hopes of keeping the processing demands on the DP to a minimum. That matters to me, because I tend to do an ENORMOUS amount of takes/V-takes, editing, punching in/out, etc etc...and it's well-documented that doing so increases the demands on the DP to keep all those little fragments organized into a coherent track. (for a solution to this, search the forum for "consolidate tracks" - good thread HERE).
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Oh wow... I'm so sorry for that loss. I'm a fan of vintage, but the prices are crazy... All I can do is keep an eye out for distracted prey and attack!😅
So converting stereo a mono is a very useful thing! I'm going to practice that resource starting today... Thank you!
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Sadly, a Gibby ES of any kind (vintage or modern/recent/new) is not in my future...but I'd probably get along nicely with this Ibanez (my next-favorite electric git'r brand).

No "practice" necessary for stereo-to-mono track conversion: it's a simple operation done in the [ASSIGN] screen of the Menu buttons. It's in the manual - takes less than 5 seconds.
It might require that you put some consideration into your needs/aims/intentions/workflow, though. But I've found it to be a great feature, one of my favorites in the DP, and a big factor in choosing it.

How 'bout you? Got any favorites among your git'rs, or other gear, to tell about?
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Good question 😅Despite my great connection with music, I have never been very demanding with the material. Since 1996 he bought only two electric guitars, two amplifiers, a classical guitar, a flamenco guitar, a bass, a drum set and an electronic piano... Then the gifts that they have given me over time, a cello, a trumpet , a clarinet, ancient organs, flutes, percussion of all kinds...

I have had the opportunity to try many instruments, perhaps that is why I never had GAS. Except a few years ago when I became a lone wolf and ended up with 60 pedals! :X3:

But of course I have the pieces of my dreams:

Electric guitars, my body is designed for the Fender Stratocaster, most Ibanez models are also perfect and their semi-hollows are fantastic. The rounded Gibsons are rejected by my body like a foreign object, but the Flying v raises my feet a meter off the ground. I tried a late 70's V and never felt better, so this one takes the top spot.

With the basses, the Rickenbacker and the Höfner violin.

The pedals, the Flanger MXR M-117 and the Electric Mistress are the icing on the cake in their older versions. Although I'll settle for anything that has a Reticon SAD1024 or 512. My favorite fuzz is the Foxx tone machine, the one I use is modern equipment but Warm Audio seems to have done a great job. And Morley's TelRay series is definitely designed to survive the apocalypse.

On drums, as long as the heads are well tuned and in good condition, I'm happy.

And with 25 units of the SM-57 I would be very happy... :HAHAHA:

You see I'm very simple, sorry for boring you! I am more distracted by making music... When I achieve something presentable with the DP-24SD it will be a pleasure to share it with you and tell you about the recording process.
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QUE?!? 🤷‍♂️I don't speak enough Spanish to order dinner!!!

But I can read "M-117"...I had an 80's AC-powered MXR M-117 and consider it the best pedal I ever owned...

EDIT: hey @Pasqal - this is just WEIRD - earlier, when I read/replied, your post was in Spanish. NOW, it's in English? "Better Living Through Technology"...:rolleyes:

In any case: thanks for the post. You have enjoyed a wealth of instruments and experiences! I'm sure that once you get the DP-24 figured out, you'll do great things with it.
Don't forget that when you have a recording to post for the rest of us to hear, there is a special category here just for that - called "Song Mixes: Tracks for review and critique".
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Sorry again, just like in my first post, although I copy and paste the text in English, if I'm not careful it is automatically translated... "Technology doesn't help me, it laughs at me"

I hope to be seen soon by "Song mixes". Thanks for the welcome , congratulations on your music and nice to meet you!
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Yes, I understand...
-(loosely referring to Michael Chrichton's brilliant book "Jurassic Park"): in modern times, technology is only a benefit when it's used appropriately, effectively, and with due consideration...in essentially every other case, the short-term benefit it provides results on long-term destruction. But - sadly - humans are certain it's the answer to EVERYthing; and it's only taken us about 100 years (after existing on earth for over 50,000) to find out we're wrong - and will likely pay with our existence!!!😧

So - get busy with that DP and write something that can sit next to Mozart in the time capsule! 🥹
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