HD-R1or SS-R250N


New Member
Nov 22, 2024
Gear owned
HD-P2, DR-100mkIII, DR-03
I was busy shopping for a Tascam SS-R250N. I want a permanent 2 channel install option with networking and phantom power and then came across some older tech, the Tascam HD-R1. Now the price difference between the two is realistically around $700USD and on the surface it looks like they do the same thing except one is 15 years older. The CF card doesn't really bother me as I will be accessing recording via networking. I have an HD-P2 and know about the quirks and downside to CF cards. Old tech worries me a bit because electronics and age.

Anyone have a bit of advice for me?

I do appreciate it.
i picked up the r250n because it has AES-EBU. Since neither unit has a word clock in capability, I decided to get the r250n w its superior AES-EBU format, and use internal SRC if needed. I love using the autorec and auto upload function to use it as a scratch recorder during songwriting as well as a master recorder. I’ve had it over a year and i absolutely love it.

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