Harrison mixbus daw

Jerome Williams

Feb 7, 2020
Gear owned
Hello all,

Anyone tried the Harrison Mixbus DAW with the Tascams DM 3200 or 4800? Anyone knows how to set it up
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Hi Jerome, i tried this DAW with a 4800 as i got the update for 20€ i don t regret it !! it leaves a real print in the sound and the channels are really effectiv tools, the routing works when it s about routing channels, but all the Aux, Sends etc are...for me, a pain in the Ass to stay polite ....as the soft let s You create feebacks what can be pleaseant under control, the logic of the Sends routing is, again, in my opinion completly out of this Earth .... i got back to samplitude )) will give it a next try some day
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How did you set it up in the remote section, what did you use for mapping on the 4800 and MIXBUS? I’m not able to get anything to work. Only with the mouse. No sound in or out.
Hi !! sincerely i don t remember, i m not in the studio when i write here so this don t help, but it was not so easy, i don t understand what is mapping ? If i did it You ll figure it out too )) take care of the feedbacks You have a red light to show if You created a feedback and sometimes it s a strange phylosophy .... if You really don t get it i ll take pics to show You Good luck )) it s worth the try !!
When I refer to mappings, I mean settings in DM3200 remote and settings in the DAW. That’s how they communicate I believe.
I have tried several things but I can’t figure it out. The DAW is working with the midi keyboard controller meaning I can play external sound but that’s all I am able to achieve. If you could take pictures, that would be great. You send them direct to my email if you like. jswilliams@wowway.com
That way you won’t have to download them here if that’s easier. Thank you so much for your help and time... blessings
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Ok no problem i'll do this today, i'm Poland. I installed my brother's machines, just to pass time as i don t work no more with audio.. My ears didn t survive the 90's)) so i have only a mix configuration since i don t have sources to record. But i think it will be enough
Thank you for helping. How are things in Poland? Are they back to normal or really bad. Hopefully you and your loved ones are safe and healthy
Here we still have hundreds of cases dayli but they progressively open everything... I hope all Your loved ones are OK too lets start a project from the begining
sorry, about the pics i have too bad connection, so to avoid making this with my phone i ll try to guide You like that

be sure MTC companion saw the mixer and start the mixbus

Create an empty project : for me the audio system is port audio, then ASIO, then the FW card ASIO ...i touch nothing more and press start

Assuming we are mixing something, directly go to session / import and import Your tracks.

They come on the editor and the mixer channels are created, by default they are routed to the main out of the software, You can change that near the Pan on the mixer or later on the audio panel

To route Your channels, just go to WINDOW / Audio connections

If there are some, i strongly advise to clean all present connections at first and then make Your own when they are needed

So there are on the left Your sources and downside the destinations, so after i cleaned every panels i choose on the left : Mixbus tracks and downside / Hardware, where You should see the 32 channels of Your Tascam ( i have a DM 4800 ) just fill the paths as You like and ...it works !!

I m on PC windows 7 so maybe You have a driver problem at the begining, but i don t know anything about Mac's sorry i can t help on this topic

Pay attention on the right corner near the CPU meter is this little indicator, when it clips it mean You have a problem and will show You the log

Then on the center near the counters You ll see 3 indicators /SOLO / AUDITION and FEEDBACK

i strongly advise keep this last one under Your eyes when You ll start configure the sends / Aux etc when you create a send, You ll have to go in the audion pannel to configure it ....this is where i lost my patience )) for now

i hope it helps !! but i think the problem is at the driver s choice

Na Zdrowie ))
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Ah and about the mapping i ll send you pics when back home, i just have on the dm 1 Mc steinberg on machine control and another in the ext ctrl, but i don t use the remote, as i said i just installed this mixer to pass time, but oryginalny i m from analog systems configurations and i don t mix, in the box... The logic of this way to mix with a remote didn t hit me yet, i tried but i still don t see the point, on the other side the automation is really nice on the dm!!

Good luck!!
Just tried now and i had to delete the existing Mc and create a new one.. Now it works 2 ways
Well unfortunately my computer went out of commission again. I will let you know when I get it back working again. Still send the pictures please.Thank you for your help
sorry, about the pics i have too bad connection, so to avoid making this with my phone i ll try to guide You like that

be sure MTC companion saw the mixer and start the mixbus

Create an empty project : for me the audio system is port audio, then ASIO, then the FW card ASIO ...i touch nothing more and press start

Assuming we are mixing something, directly go to session / import and import Your tracks.

They come on the editor and the mixer channels are created, by default they are routed to the main out of the software, You can change that near the Pan on the mixer or later on the audio panel

To route Your channels, just go to WINDOW / Audio connections

If there are some, i strongly advise to clean all present connections at first and then make Your own when they are needed

So there are on the left Your sources and downside the destinations, so after i cleaned every panels i choose on the left : Mixbus tracks and downside / Hardware, where You should see the 32 channels of Your Tascam ( i have a DM 4800 ) just fill the paths as You like and ...it works !!

I m on PC windows 7 so maybe You have a driver problem at the begining, but i don t know anything about Mac's sorry i can t help on this topic

Pay attention on the right corner near the CPU meter is this little indicator, when it clips it mean You have a problem and will show You the log

Then on the center near the counters You ll see 3 indicators /SOLO / AUDITION and FEEDBACK

i strongly advise keep this last one under Your eyes when You ll start configure the sends / Aux etc when you create a send, You ll have to go in the audion pannel to configure it ....this is where i lost my patience )) for now

i hope it helps !! but i think the problem is at the driver s choice

Na Zdrowie ))
I do not have a FW card. I use external interfaces
Hi Jerome !! i don t know what means '' out of commission '' ??

About Your interfaces i think You mean external sound cards ?? Could You give me more details ?
Thanx !!
Iuse thi
e Dm 3200 as an external contoller for all my DAW. I do not have a Firewire card so I use external interfaces to send audio to the DAW by way of keyboard modules, mics and guitars.
That's the only way I can send in a signal.
Sorry to ear about Your computer, i hope You resolve this problem for good, You know i still have friends working and recording bands with Windows 2000 and good hardware :o !!! )) About Your configuration ...i don t know it s hard to figure out for me ...but anyway if Your card is seen by the harrison Mixbus daw it s ok, then You just have to see if You should select JACK or the port audio ( i don t really know what is JACK it s maybe for MAC users ... ) then select Your card drivers and then You should find Your in s and out s in the Audio panel ..it works really nice and sound event better BUT the phylosophy is a little another ..take care and give news !!
All the best !!
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What is MTC companion? Where is the located? or are you speaking of TMCompanion for the DM3200?
Yes Right sorry, TMC companion not MTC ....just because sometimes TMC doesn t see the mixer and better check it at every start to avoid loosing time / restart computer etc this DAW is strange enough, so better test all this with both feets on the ground ))

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