FW-1082 on Win 10

Hi DeeringAmps and Tom, Did you finally get this 1082 working again? I'm having similar issue with my FW1082? Mine can work as control surface but no sounds

My system:
Legacy driver
Tascam driver 1.8
Firmware 1.83

NOTE: this system currently is working fine with my FW1884
"Did you finally get this 1082 working again?"
I reviewed some old emails and it does not look like I was able to help.
"Mine can work as control surface but no sounds, this system currently is working fine with my FW1884."
That doesn't make sense.
You can monitor the inputs in "MON MIX", but not when "COMPUTER" is selected.
Sounds like a driver issue, but the 1884 works fine.
What do you see in PREFERENCES>AUDIO>DEVICE when the 1884 is connected compared to when the 1802 is connected?
Screenshot both of them.

Hi Tom, thanks for reply, I really hope that it's only as simple as driver issue. Here are FW1884 settings screenshots


And FW1082 settings screenshots below, almost identical to 1884

BTW, further info:

#1. I can hear guitar plugged in when switched to MON MIX/INPUTS (or MON MIX/BOTH) but no audio when in MON MIX/COMPUTER --> proves that both INPUTS and OUTPUTS (Headphones) work.
#2. The 1082 can be used as Surface Controller , motorized faders/buttons can move/turn on SOLO/MUTE/SEL/REC in REAPER and vise versa --> proves that Firewire sync.


#3. FW 1884 sync with audio and surface controller works perfectly --> the PC system and DAW are OK.

Many thanks,
Somehow the 1082 driver is corrupt?
I have a copy of the 1082 drivers, I do not know if its the same exact driver, just titled
I do not know, if it is different, if both drivers can co-exist.

Q) Did you install the FW1082_Win_1.80 driver or are you using the 1884 package only?

I would uninstall the 1082 drivers, this is a lengthy task IIRC, and COULD affect your 1884 install. IMAGE your C drive so you can get back to a working system FIRST!
one more time:

(sorry to shout, but you wouldn't believe how often folks just plow ahead)
Then do a clean install of the 1082 drivers.
The fact that the 1802 can call up the Control Panel is interesting.
The driver appears to be working, well it is isn't it.

Q) Did this 1082 ever work? You bought it second (third, fourth) hand?

One more thing.
In REAPER REFERENCES Ignore ASIO reset messages
Q) what happens if you uncheck that?

Wish I could be of more help...
Keep us posted.

hi Tom,I got it 2nd hand few days ago for $100 Aus Dollars, it seems well kept by previous owner still in box with installation CDs and paper manual. I only use it for backup or maybe spare parts if my 1884 ever having issues. Just after posted my images of the settings, I left it on for a while, suddenly when pressed play the audio came up. I think, it could be getting warmed up to get it works. I will try again tomorrow to see if the issue comes back. But really interesting to see this weird behaviour of the unit.

Thanks again Tom, will keep you posted.
There is a service bulletin #606 that deals with problematic capacitors on the 5 volt supply for the firewire chip. Typically the FW will not sync up if there is an issue. My 1884 is one of those that has this problem. I leave it on 24/7 and it syncs up just fine everytime.
I have the parts to fix it, and sooner/later I guess I'll have to.
I was offered a charter membership to procrastinators unanimous, needless to say, I never got around to joining...

Interesting that yours would sync, but no audio...

Keep us posted, we lost lots of knowledge when the old forum went down.

There is a service bulletin #606 that deals with problematic capacitors on the 5 volt supply for the firewire chip. Typically the FW will not sync up if there is an issue. My 1884 is one of those that has this problem. I leave it on 24/7 and it syncs up just fine everytime.
I have the parts to fix it, and sooner/later I guess I'll have to.

Can you tell me if these capacitors are through-hole or surface mount? If they're through-hole, I'm inclined to do this asap.

Please let me know.

The caps on the board are surface mount. I have both surface mount and through-hole.
Again, I'm lazy, the 1884 syncs fine if I leave it on all the time.
But I'm confidant that the through-hole caps (laid on their side) will work just fine.
That's how I plan to do the repair, when I get around to it.
(read that as forced to fix it when it will no longer sync)


I was offered a charter membership in procrastinators unanimous,
I never got around to joining... :rolleyes:
Thanks for letting me know. That saves me the effort of removing the 1884 from my setup and taking it apart. That's a good idea about using through-hole caps on surface mount pads. That might work. I'll probably do like you did and get both through-hole and surface mount and see which will work better.

Do you by any chance have the part #'s for the caps you bought? I currently putting together an order for a bunch of other projects. If I could tack these caps on to that order, that would be great.
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Sorry for the late reply.
This is what I purchased form Mouser Electronics
SMD 50 volt 1uF X5R
963-UMK316BJ105MLHT (in stock at Mouser .37 each, .17 ea. in lots of 10)

Through hole 50 volt 1uF
594-K105K20X0UF63H5H (in stock 3.37 each [seems high] 2.71 ea. in lots of 10)

drop the 963 or 594 and you have the Manufacturer's Part Number

$9.45 USPS to ship anywhere in the US

I have a couple of each here if you have trouble finding them.

Tom Deering
DeeringAmps on the forums
Thank you very much! This is very helpful.
Hello, I’ve bought a FW 1804 and installed in my Windows 10 PC with a generic Firewire PCI card I already had. It’s all working properly but sometimes when I record or playback I hear some popping sounds/stuttering which is pretty annoying… Reading up this and other threads it seems that these Tascam carda require a Texas instruments PCI interface to work properly, so I wonder if I will solve the issue getting one of those pci cards? Thanks in advance

edit: the card I’m using is indeed a Texas Instruments one, it has the TSB43AB23 chipset. That means the problem is somewhere else, or there are better cards anyway?
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Not all TI firewire chips are ideal. You'll probably have better luck with either the XIO2200A, XIO2213A or XIO2213B

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