Exporting individual tracks on a dp 24 sd


New Member
Jul 16, 2015
Gear owned
Tascam DP 24SD

I've been recording my next album on my DP 24SD for about 6 months now. I'm going to have someone else mix it.

We were trying to figure out exactly how the individual tracks are organized. For example:


Does this mean Track 4, take 1? or Track 4, virtual track 1?

The manual didn't do that great a job explaining this.

I will be exporting the whole song to him via some sort of method - either onto his USB stick or a DVD.

When i burned him a DVD after transferring it to my computer, it only burned each track once, even though i had done some multiple takes on some tracks. Does it automatically know which track is the keeper track, or does it just take the most current take?

Are you exporting your keeper track to audio depot folder. The music folder I assume your going into will contain every take whether there was mistakes, short, etc. if you definitely have a keeper for each track you should use menu option audio depot/export then select each track you want to export. You can then either connect by usb and move them to you computer or like I do just take the sd card out and plug it in-works the same way. Each track will show song name and track number, not all the characters like you were describing. Hope this helps
Oh.. no im not putting anything into the Audio Depot folder. I'm just mixing it, mastering it, and then taking the SD card up to my computer where I drag the entire folder onto my desktop. Should i not be doing that? And will everything line up that way? there were some punch ins.
The files in the music folder are sometimes only partial tracks unless your a great one take artist. If you're sending files for someone to mix and you need them to line up, exporting to audio depot first is the way to go. The files in the music folder don't carry time and sync data and won't line up like the files exported to the audio depot folder. I have a song with only 6 tracks. The music folder has a list about thirty items in it and the only one that I'm sure will translate a re the wave forms from fl studio. The vocal tracks are to random to figure out but the audio depot folder has only my 4 vocal track and the stereo beat track
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Ah... will try that this weekend.

Is there also a way to just take the whole song and dump it into Audio Depot so i can just transfer it from the card onto my computer and then onto some sort of portable storage device (USB stick, DVD) to give to the guy that's mixing it?

I don't have a computer in the basement, so I have to take the SD card out and run it up to my home office
Ok I have the original dp-24 so the page numbers for our manuals will be different but the fourth page of the section detailing ' exchanging data with a computer' explains the steps about exporting tracks and even has screen shots so you can actually see some of what I've been trying to put into words. Post how it goes and I'll continue at least trying to help if needed. Good luck
Hello. I am trying to export 18 trax to my Audio Depot folder so I can send them to my computer and put them on a flash drive. After check marking the trax and exporting I keep getting an Export Fail message. It doesnt say file too big. How
do I complete this process?
It sounds to me like a full card (even though you're not getting a message). You could try exporting just one track and see what happens. If that works, then I'd suspect you have a full card. I would just copy the entire card to my computer (as a backup), and then delete all the other songs on the card except the one you're working on ... to free up some space.
If I insert the card int the computer is it the same as audio depot folder? Trying to move trax to Pro tools....
I don't understand your question. Remove the card from the DP24, insert into your computer, create a folder for the card (I use a date ... eg, 20160901_backup) and copy the entire card into that folder. Then, reinsert the card in the DP24, and delete unneeded songs. Then LOAD the song you're working on and EXPORT ... you should have all the space you need. Finally, the tracks you want to save will be in the AUDIO DEPOT folder ... Remove the card from the DP24, insert into your computer, and copy the tracks from the AUDIO DEPOT folder to your flash drive.
Thank you. I have all tunes on a flash drive. Since I do not want to delete any songs I would like to import tracks to audio depot onto a new blank card then export to pro tools. Can you explain how to create WAV files for all tracks of the song on my computer then successfully import them to the Tascam?For instance, when I view the wav files on the flash drive one song contains 134 files(overdubs and mistakes as well as keepers) which means "delete unused" is not a permanent delete. Do these unused files need to be deleted off the flash drive when importing or will the Tascam line them up, using only saved final files? When I thought I had created a wav file onto Audio Depot it let me import tracks 1-2 but did not ask me if I wanted to import any more. The left arrow is all that appeared. Which took me out of Audio Depot. When I got back in, "no files found" message appeared. I am a novice at this, obviously.
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There are 2 scenarios:-

1. The files within the song folders should be treated as self-contained entities for backup/restore purposes only, i.e. you can copy the whole song folder (and its contents) to a computer, or vice versa. You can delete whole song folders from the card (using the computer or the machine), or create new ones by copying song folders previously saved on the computer. The machine will keep its song list in step automatically. Do not use the wave files within the song folders for playing or processing on your computer as they are not guaranteed to be one-for-one with tracks or line up time-wise. Import & Export functions are not required for this process.

2. If you want to use your computer to play/process wave files, then you need to export individual tracks from the current song. This will create single wave files for each track in the AudioDepot folder which you can then copy to the computer. The export process needs space on the card to create these files. You have to manually delete them afterwards from the AudioDepot folder if you want to save space on the card (can use the computer or the machine to do this). You can do the reverse by copying wave files from the computer into AudioDepot and using the Import function to add them to tracks in the current song. The import function automatically deletes the file from AudioDepot.

Don't confuse the 2 scenarios.

The only exception to (1) is the mixdown/master file, which is created within the song folder and not the AudioDepot folder. This file can be copied/played/processed with a computer, but again, the import/export functions are not used for this.

Note the sd-card mounting socket may be a weak point on these machines (search this forum), so to reduce the wear & tear on this, leave the card in the machine and use the USB connection if possible.
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Thank you for the detailed response. I am now able to proceed with plan B. If you are ever in Nashville, dinner is on me.......n.
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So far so good but I have encountered a problem exporting a specific stereo track to Audio Depot. Export failed is the message. All other tracks have been moved. There is nothing different or unique to this track in the recording process. Can you help?
Can only suggest either there's not enough space on the card for the export operation or the card is faulty/corrupted. Are you definitely using the latest firmware for the machine?
Card size, space available and current song size is in the Menu, Information screen.
Individual song sizes are shown in the Song list (press Menu, Load, then press Info to toggle the details to show song sizes).
When you select tracks for exporting, their sizes are shown at the bottom of the screen along with the space available (at least it is with the dp-32sd).
I can only repeat what RustyAxe suggested earlier...
If it's a size issue, you can copy whole song folders to a computer, then delete them from the card temporarily, or copy files out of AudioDepot and delete them.
If it's a corrupted card, I would copy the complete contents to a computer, then re-format the card then copy the data back. Formatting the card creates a new .sys file at the outer level of the card, so maybe don't overwrite it with the backed-up copy just in case it was corrupted - just copy back the contents of the specific song folder which is giving you problems.
If the card is really faulty or incompatible with the machine, then repeat the above with a different card.

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