Exported tracks no sound


New Member
Jul 12, 2024
Gear owned
Tascam DP24-SD
After having exported 2 tracks from my DP24-SD and imported them into a Cubase project the tracks are empty. Does anyone know what could be the issue? The tracks appear with the right title just no sound.
Can you play the exported tracks with a media player such as VLC (for example).
As MJ said. Also are you sure the titles really are correct? The names which appear in AudioDepot on the Tascam screen are truncated is a non-intuitive way (i.e. numbers in the name may not correspond to track numbers) so if there are already other files in AudioDepot, it can be confusing as to which file is which.
Welcome to forum btw.
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Thanks for the tips. I solved the puzzle yesterday and it was actually my own fault. I had marked a section of another track unintentionally and the imported files were placed in that section.
Thank you for the followup!

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