DP24sd reverb

Randy Turner

Active Member
May 25, 2018
Gear owned
2488neo, dp24sd, dp01
100% greenhorn question (literally just unboxed the DP24sd): What am I missing to enable the internal Send reverb? I'm successfully assigning inputs to tracks, successfully getting good sounds and levels, successfully utilizing the pan function, successfully utilizing eq. All experimentation so far with simple SM58 mic'ing an old tube amp.

I press Mixer, set Eff-1 to pre (or post), set level to 30-ish, and set Send Master-1 to 30-ish. I press Effect, choose Reverb, level 30-ish, and press ON. I hear my guitar, whatever eq, whatever pan, whatever level.... no reverb.

The manual seems a bit anemic explaining this, so I re-watched Phil Tipping's episode 5... and I feel like I'm learning (or at least emulating) to the point where I should hear reverb. What am I missing??

huge thanks,
You may have to set the send level and send master level somewhat higher. To start with I would max the send master. Set the send level to approx 80-100.

Make sure that when in the "effect" screen... the selection of effects bank at the lower left shows "Guitar". This means that you are in the "Send" effects bank. This is a known confusion with the way this was designed.

Also - it makes a difference whether you are routing to the stereo bus or the track section... which send and send master levels your are adjusting.
Thanks David - I'll try the levels. But as for guitar/send I did indeed have it on Send.

Ahhh.... "routing to the stereo bus or track" - by that do you mean the levels for the input vs the track? Or is there something else that you're referring to with "stereo bus" ?

"Ahhh.... "routing to the stereo bus or track" - by that do you mean the levels for the input vs the track? Or is there something else that you're referring to with "stereo bus" ?"

Of course, I should have been more specific.

If you are routing to the stereo bus - by using any of the 8 selectors at the bottom of the "Assign" screen - then you would set the send and send master level of the input/SOURCE that you've selected in the *input mixer* screen (you would only do this if you are using the DP as a simple mixer - and not using the DP to record your source). But if you are routing to the track section so that you can record (I assume that this is more likely what you're wanting to do) - then you choose the SELECT button of the selected track and make your send and send master settings in the *track mixer* screen for that track. The input mixer screen and the track mixer screen look identical -- or nearly identical. You'll know which one you're in by what is displayed at the top of either - Input x.... or Track x.

Oh shit... just remembered... also, make sure the *return* level is turned up in the send effects screen (where you choose and adjust the selected effect). This is a known snag as well. And just like with the send level and send master level... turn that sucker way up to get the effect coming through. You can back off any of these to your liking, of course... once you get the effect coming through.
You're spot on David! Huge thanks - works like a charm. 'Really appreciate the background and explanations as well. Excellent -

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