DP24 Settings carried over to the new song - Reset to an unknown state


Sep 6, 2018
Gear owned
488, 2488, dp24
While watching Phil Tippings videos ( I just started w. 1&2) he is talking about Reset to an unknown state. (#2)

He stated that all settings ie: assignments, effects, eq's, etc are carried over to a new song. He goes on to say do not use the intialize function, but make a dummie song template.....he makes one called !Factory

I have never heard of this. I don't remember this happening on the Tascam 2488....did it & I missed it?

Does that mean everytime I make a new song I need to make a dummie song or intialize. Seems like a lot of work. I do understand this on a machine like the dp01. If all the eq's knobs are turned from the intial setting. you would need to turn them back for a new song to record dry.

Any help Appreciated.
Thanks Steve
I think you understand correctly. Every time you create a new song... many of the settings (assignments, effects, eq's, etc) are in fact carried over from the song you were just working in/on. It's not clear whether Tascam overlooked this or whether it was intentional - perhaps they thought it was a "feature". Either way - that's the way it is.

You said: Seems like a lot of work.

Not at all! That's the point of creating a "factory reset" "song" that puts all of the settings back to a state of *your choosing*. In this sense - like Phil states in the video - you can create templates that have any presets you choose. The most obvious one would be to clear all of the settings so your starting fresh each time you dig into a new project/song. "A lot of work" is having to go back through each input and track channel and put the settings back one by one. It takes an additional 5-10 seconds to load the "factory reset" song before creating a new song. NOT a lot of work - or difficult. This solves that issue. Just like that.

I'm no expert. But I will say this... I haven't seen one single recording platform that is perfect for everyone, and/or that everyone is completely happy with. They all have limitations and/or drawbacks (some might think of a drawback as the complexity of a program like Pro Tools).

It's just a matter of understanding capabilities as well as limitations - and then finding what works best for you given whatever it is that you're wanting to accomplish. All of the combined features and capabilities found in a new $500.00 DP-24 would at one time cost $10K-20K. The digital editing capabilities alone are simply mind boggling as compared to an old tape machine.

It's all relative and a matter of perspective.

Either way - hope you find the platform that works best for you.:)

Ima get back to my new song project.
Thanks for your explanation. I seldom used the 2488, so I don't know if it worked the same or not. Seems like everytime I went to EQ, they were at zero.
Yeah... it would be cool if they had a dedicated "scene" save feature. But the fact that you can save and name "scenes" as a song is a respectable workaround.
Steve, exactly as David said, but just to clarify your statement:
"Does that mean everytime I make a new song I need to make a dummie song or intialize"
Once you've made the dummy song, you don't need to make it each time; all you need to do is load it... so the process for creating new songs in a known state is:
1. Load the template/dummy song
2. Create your new song
Wouldn't a factory reset wipe out the demo. I talked to tascam on my 2488 in case I sell they said yes on that model, the deomo song would be gone.

What about the dp-24 a factory reset would most likely wipe out the demo as well.

I played w. the 2488 yesterday, it seems everytime I created a new song, the eq's were set to 0.
even when I changed them. So both machines must be different.
The demo song - as well as any song created with the DP24 - are stored on a removable SD memory card. They stay on that card unless you deliberately delete them.

A factory reset - or initialize function - does not have any effect on the demo song - or any other song data that is stored on the SD card.
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Note that a factory initialise will reset all the 'settings' for the currently loaded song, e.g. FX, panning, assignments, mark points, etc. (unless it's protected), but you're right in that the audio data for the current song will not be affected.
>>Note that a factory initialise will reset all the 'settings' for the currently loaded song, e.g. FX, >>panning, assignments, mark points, etc. (unless it's protected), but you're right in that the >>audio data for the current song will not be affected.

Thanks, but this I do not understand. Does it not put all the EQ's back to 0, pan to center, no reverb? In other words a neutral position.
Also can you believe I can not find an SD card at Best Buy, Walmart or Office max, that is on their media list. I talked to Tascam, he said then try any SanDisc Extreme media card it "should "work. Lot of problems & yet to use it. He also said that this was an intended feature, so you don'y have re-EQ ie: drums. if you are doing several songs.

This was featured on the NEO, but he was not sure of the 24888. I played w. the 2488, it starts every new song fresh.

Can I not just hit the system reset ?
You could do a system reset as it does clear most settings as you point out (although the assignments for inputs A-H revert to tracks 1-8), but it also resets all 'global' preference settings, such as auto power-off time, screen contrast, undo levels etc. so it's not very practical unless you're happy with the factory values.
The template system gives you the flexibility to create new songs in whatever state you like, e.g. I like all my assignments to be off so I have a !reset template for this, as opposed to the !factory template which is the factory initialise state.
If the 2488 creates new songs without carrying the previous settings forwards, then it behaves differently to the dp24/32.
SD card recommendations are in this forum if you search. From what I've seen, Sandisk class 10 cards seem to get good reviews. UK tech support recommended 16GB cards as being the most reliable, but lots of people seem to be ok with 32GB. Don't try anything bigger as the spec says 32GB max.
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1 . Have a few more quetions.I have not had a lot of time to work w. this dp24 yet. Watching videos.
I saw a video, Not Phil's, the Tascam video & this guy pulled the sd card out & in with the unit on, now I find myself doing that.
Should it be off, off does it not matter.?

2. Also I did not think my card was working, I was formatting it on my PC, now I see you format it on the machine.
I am doing the quick format as I am still learning. Is that alright?

3. And what is song0001....seems like a system file?

I think from here on I am going to just start putting some tracks down like I did on my 2488, I spending more time watching & reading, which is good, but I need to get some hand-on!

Thank you all for your help.
  1. I always turn off my DP-24 before removing or inserting an SD card. Better to be safe than sorry.
  2. I "quick format" virgin SD cards, full format if the SD card has been used.
  3. Song0001 is just what it says: Song #1, created automatically with the default settings when the SD card is formatted. You can use it to start recording tracks, rename it to something else, etc.
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From the manual:

Do not remove or insert an SD card when the power is ON.
1. I started to lay down some simple tracks ( have not played in years, like starting over). I put down a drum track, but can not get the guitar routed to track 2, I know how to use the assign buttons because I have a 2488. The source button confuses me. What is it for if you use select for routing.

2. And yes I see when I started a second song, the EQ's from the previous song are there. :ie my drum track EQ"s. This poses a problem................how do you work on "TWO SONGS " at the same time. Or three? The EQ's for the first song are there. If use reset of use a template as Phil suggested, it will be back to zero.

3. Also, a little blue ball in front of the song, was not able to erase that till I moved some things around.

Before I started to use the dp24 I did play round w. the 2488, just last week or so)m I went very fast laying down tracks, so their has to be a significant difference. Yes I have a nice screen , knobs, display. Buy can't sit here for weeks getting no where. I can pull that 2488 out now & put down a drum track, guitar & bass in 1/2 hr. I can not even add a secind track o the dp. A little disappointed.

Thank you as always for your help.
1. I started to lay down some simple tracks ( have not played in years, like starting over). I put down a drum track, but can not get the guitar routed to track 2, I know how to use the assign buttons because I have a 2488. The source button confuses me. What is it for if you use select for routing.

If you're using an electric guitar - make sure you are using Input H and have the "Line/Guitar" switch next to Input H set to "guitar".

Then go to the assign screen and using the arrow/scroll buttons to select Track 2. Use the jog wheel to set Track 2 to Input H. Then press the "Rec" button for Track 2 to arm the track for recording (blinking Red). Then raise the Input H trim to get an appropriate input signal level that is somewhere just below clipping. Raise the fader for Track 2 and you should be able to hear your guitar - and at this point simply press "Record" button to capture.

(FWIW - I always use the arrow/cursor buttons and jog wheel to assign tracks. You certainly CAN use the Source and Select buttons for assign/routing selections - but I don't)

The "Source" button is simply a selector button for each corresponding input (A-H). For instance: If I want to EQ the sound of an input source (microphone, guitar, etc), or add effects to that input source... I would push the Source button for that input and then push the Mixer button. Now I'm looking at the EQ and Send controls for that selected input (selected by pushing the Source button).

I might also want to add compression to an input source. To do this - I would push the Source button for whichever input I'm wanting to add the compression effect to... and then push the "Dynamics" effect button to enter the Dynamics effects screen in order to select, turn on/off, and adjust the compression effect.

It's very intuitive once you get the hang of it. In my opinion, anyway.:)

A bit of a long winded answer there - but the Source buttons are just selectors for that particular input.

2. And yes I see when I started a second song, the EQ's from the previous song are there. :ie my drum track EQ"s. This poses a problem................how do you work on "TWO SONGS " at the same time. Or three? The EQ's for the first song are there. If use reset of use a template as Phil suggested, it will be back to zero.

Once you start working on a song - the settings will be saved and stay the same *for that song*. However you leave the settings when you leave that song - they will be there when you open that song again. When you move to a different song that you've been working on it's setting will be whatever they were when you last worked on that song. (I think I just said the same thing 3 different ways :geek:)

Most often - you would only want to use the "known state" reset song that puts everything back to square one... when you are creating a brand new song. It's when you create a brand new song that it can be a nuisance for the previous setting to be carried over.

3. Also, a little blue ball in front of the song, was not able to erase that till I moved some things around.

I'm not exactly sure what you mean here - but I know that certain functions in the Song menu cannot be performed on the *currently loaded* song (like deleting an entire song). You have to load a different song other than the want you want to delete in order for the delete function to work. I assume that this is a sort of "protection"... making you have to be very deliberate when you delete. Good thinking on Tascam's part!

Anyway - hope this helps.
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Thanks for your reply:

I never have used H, I must have routed something wrong because I did lay down a guitar track to the drums. So, drum machine, track 1, guitar track 2. Now I am going to stop this test song & move on.

Once you start working on a song - the settings will be saved and stay the same *for that song*. However you leave the settings when you leave that song - they will be there when you open that song again. When you move to a different song that you've been working on it's setting will be whatever they were when you last worked on that song. (I think I just said the same thing 3 different ways :geek:)

I understand this, ty.

Most often - you would only want to use the "known state" reset song that puts everything back to square one... when you are creating a brand new song. It's when you create a brand new song that it can be a nuisance for the previous setting to be carried over.

This is the the problem I am ready to start a new song....song0002,
If I do a reset it will change settings on song0001.
My keyboard is in for repairs when it gets back I have a lot to add to song0001, I will add the bass line yet& then move on to song0002.
I am starting a new song, the reset will change settings for the first song?

Thanks, hope I made that clear.
An Old post from 2016,l not me, I googled the problem

I'm trying so hard to stay positive about my recent purchase of the DP-24sd, but again I have been absolutely astonished and very annoyed at the lack of basic stuff on this great looking machine.
Here's my latest moan: I was working on a song - lets call it 'Song One'. It used 7 tracks and when I felt happy with the recording I began to mix it. After an hour or two I felt I needed a break so loaded another song - lets call that 'Song Two' and played around with it to take my mind off of Song One for a while.
After a short time and a beer I decided to return to Song One and carry on with my mix, but guess what? All the setting had changed because I'd used different settings on Song Two. I cannot believe that the DP-24 doesn't save settings. Is it me or is that an absolute basic thing?
If what I'm saying is correct then for me to do what I did today I would need to spend a lot of time writing down all the settings for Song One before going to Song Two and then when I return I'd need to go into every single setting hoping that I'd correctly written down the settings and re-entering them.
I've come to the conclusion that to save myself loads of writing and boring knob twiddling then I should only work on one song at a time.
I don't like to keep comparing, but the machine that I'd upgraded from (Boss BR-1600) had sometime called 'SCENE'. You could have up to 99 'scenes' per song and these were different mixes that were saved and recalled and the touch of a button.
I'm really hoping that someone with read this and get back to me saying, "No, you idiot, just do this or that and all settings are saved", but somehow I don't think that's going to happen.

My Boss machine is still sitting in the corner on my room and I'm seriously thinking of going back to it.

Anyone want to buy a DP24-sd? One careful owner, almost new but lacking in so many basic things - what a shame.

I am kidding about going backwards, I just wanted to express how disappointed I am at the mo.

If I can not find a work-around might need to return mine, & back to the 2488, which works, just not a fancy display.

Thanks Steve
This is the the problem I am ready to start a new song....song0002,
If I do a reset it will change settings on song0001.
I am starting a new song, the reset will change settings for the first song?
If you 'reset' using the template method, the first song will not be changed... this is the whole point about using templates.
e.g. if you have song0001 loaded and you want to create a new song, you just do two things:
1. Load the template song
2. Create song0002
That's it. Post #5 says the same thing :)
Step 1 will close the current song (song0001) - the machine will automatically save any recent changes. The current song is now the template song, so it will contains all the settings you defined when you first created the template.
Step 2 creates a fresh song... and carries forwards settings from the current song, which was the template song. So song0002 contains the settings from the template.
If you want to go back to song0001, just load it. Song0002's settings will be automatically saved and song0001 will become the current song, along with all its settings.

The post from 2016 doesn't sound right - it might be a firmware issue, but as far as I know, the machine will always saves the current song's settings whenever you do any of the following 4 things:
Create a new song, Load an existing song, Press the Save button, Power down using the on/off button.
The only things which are never saved are the track fader positions. This is obviously not very helpful during mixdown as the faders may be critical to the mix, but as far as I know, all other settings, such as FX, EQ, panning, send levels etc. are all saved, so I'm not sure if the original poster was really just complaining about the fader positions.

Re. your other comments about using the 2488, I've never used one, but seeing as how the machines appear to be so different, I would recommend forgetting trying to compare working methods and just learn how to drive the dp machine.
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An Old post from 2016,l not me, I googled the problem

I'm trying so hard to stay positive about my recent purchase of the DP-24sd, but again I have been absolutely astonished and very annoyed at the lack of basic stuff on this great looking machine.
Here's my latest moan: I was working on a song - lets call it 'Song One'. It used 7 tracks and when I felt happy with the recording I began to mix it. After an hour or two I felt I needed a break so loaded another song - lets call that 'Song Two' and played around with it to take my mind off of Song One for a while.
After a short time and a beer I decided to return to Song One and carry on with my mix, but guess what? All the setting had changed because I'd used different settings on Song Two. I cannot believe that the DP-24 doesn't save settings. Is it me or is that an absolute basic thing?
If what I'm saying is correct then for me to do what I did today I would need to spend a lot of time writing down all the settings for Song One before going to Song Two and then when I return I'd need to go into every single setting hoping that I'd correctly written down the settings and re-entering them.
I've come to the conclusion that to save myself loads of writing and boring knob twiddling then I should only work on one song at a time.
I don't like to keep comparing, but the machine that I'd upgraded from (Boss BR-1600) had sometime called 'SCENE'. You could have up to 99 'scenes' per song and these were different mixes that were saved and recalled and the touch of a button.
I'm really hoping that someone with read this and get back to me saying, "No, you idiot, just do this or that and all settings are saved", but somehow I don't think that's going to happen.

My Boss machine is still sitting in the corner on my room and I'm seriously thinking of going back to it.

Anyone want to buy a DP24-sd? One careful owner, almost new but lacking in so many basic things - what a shame.

I am kidding about going backwards, I just wanted to express how disappointed I am at the mo.

If I can not find a work-around might need to return mine, & back to the 2488, which works, just not a fancy display.

Thanks Steve

This post and thread can be found here:


That same poster subsequently said this:

"I'm happy to say that I was completely wrong. Pressing the SAVE button does seem to save setting. That's good news and saves a lot of time. Thanks all."

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