DP-O3SD Problem

Bill J. Smith

New Member
May 13, 2017
Gear owned
DP-03SD Portastudio
I've had the DP-O3SD for about six weeks or so, and have a recurring problem with recording. Sometimes, not all the time, when using the foot switch, the red recording light(s) will not go out, even when the the numbers are not moving. When the machine freezes like this, it cannot be turned off, and trying to do so results in a message that it is recording. The only way to stop it is to unplug the power supply. This happened twice today, and a track which I had recorded disappeared. Any ideas? Thanks very much.

Edit, I have been using the 4 GB micro SD card (w/adapter) that came with the unit, and have just swapped it for a 16 GB one. Time will tell if this fixes it, unless somebody else has other info or ideas.
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I'm just a begimner with it. Just started using it, but that already happened to me to, But according to the user guide. If you hadn't finished Saving your work it's gone.

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